From Sultin Knish, a blog by Daniel Greenfield, “Violence On Their Behalf.”
For the pro-abortion movement, it has come to this. Greenfield explains that those who love and fight for unlimited abortion are kind of like arsonists, but…
Most arsonists don’t set their own houses on fire. Most liberal policies don’t affect liberals. Yet this the world that liberalism made. It is small, mean and ugly. Call it Sex Positive Education or Reproductive Freedom or…
…any other euphemism.
Dr. Kermit Gosnell was doing the dirty work of the liberal state by cleaning up some of the mess. It was bloody and murderous work, but it was made necessary by the sort of people who talk about reproductive freedom while little realizing how little freedom the women who bled, and sometimes died, in Gosnell’s offices really had.
The issue isn’t as simple as Pro-Choice. Abortion is just the conclusion of the sordid package of social liberalism….It’s not the story for everyone, but for many of the women who found and find their way to places like Gosnell’s butcher shop, that is their story.
Kermit Gosnell will be locked up. There will be a brief spurt of inspections. And then things will go on as before and the empowerment educators who wear “I Had an Abortion” t-shirts while they drive to the soccer games of their children in some placid suburb will sleep well at night knowing that somewhere in Philly, NYC and LA there are rough men doing violence to the wombs of desperate women and to the lives of their unborn children on behalf of their ideologies and policies…rough men in dark places doing the inevitable dirty work in the world they made.