Amendment 1

A Nation of Outlaws

There is an idea that many people — but especially constitutional law students, who then go on to be public officials — have not been exposed to, which is that there is a proper order to the questions that should be asked when formulating public policy.

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handgun pixaby

A Cooling-Off Period for Laws

In some states, you still have to wait several days to pick up a firearm after you’ve bought it from a dealer.  The idea is that you might need a ‘cooling-off period’, if you were considering using the firearm in some illegal way — to commit a robbery, to confront an ex-spouse, and so on. … Read more

More Sleight-of-Hand by Democrats and the Media

Most conservatives are utterly bewildered by the national apathy toward the ongoing border crisis.  They wonder why more Americans aren’t outraged by the onslaught of unscreened aliens illegally flooding across our border, or by an American President who ignores our immigration laws, who is unilaterally dismantling our border controls. Only a very small number of … Read more

David Hart inspired my letter to Senator Ayotte

by Don

Dear Senator Ayotte,

My letter is inspired by David B. Hart’s letter to you in Friday‘s (April 12, 2013) The Citizen of Laconia. Apparently thinking you were unaware, Hart told you that the Senate will soon consider “common sense limitations on gun violence“, which he apparently thinks would have avoided the Newtown massacre.

The Newtown killer violated dozens of laws, murder, theft, assault, breaking and entering, child endangerment, and many others. Apparently Hart believes that if there had been more laws, the Newtown killer would have thought, “Rats, now I’d be breaking 91 laws and it would be wrong to break more than 88 laws. I guess I’ll have to stay home.”

While that makes no sense to me, Hart is right that we need laws to protect us from one another. We should have laws against harming others, e.g., theft, kidnapping, rape, and murder. Why didn’t anyone think of this before?

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18 USC 922 – Prohibited Persons

Cross-posted in its entirety:

H/T Ace of Spades

18 USC 922 – Prohibited Persons

“There’s all sorts of “discussion” about firearms law in this country, 99.99% of which is nonproductive blather not worth paying any attention to because of all the intentional distortions being spread by participants propagandists.

I use the word “intentional” here very ummm….intentionally. All Federal firearms law and BATF rulings in this country have been available online and accessible in a matter of minutes for a number of years now.

There are no LEXIS/NEXIS paywalls, no needing to purchase expensive paper copies of Federal law books or CD’s from the GPO, nothing whatsoever inhibits any person from entering a conversation fully prepared to discuss current law. Twenty years ago this was not the case. Today, there is no excuse.

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