April 3 Coronavirus: Another Bad Miss by the Murray Model

So here is what the Murray Model predicted for today … April 3rd … in terms of hospitalizations, 61 more people would be hospitalized in New Hampshire for Coronavirus, bringing the total of hospitalized to 508: The reality: seven new hospitalizations … 80 hospitalizations in total: So the Murray Model at this point is overestimating … Read more

Lakes Region General Hospital Furloughs 500 Workers on Account of Flawed Models Vastly Overestimating Impact of Coronavirus

From the Laconia Daily Sun: Lakes Region General Hospital is furloughing 500 full-time employees, LRGH President and CEO Kevin Donovan said Friday. It will keep its emergency department, critical care and coronavirus treatment services open as it deals with the financial fallout of the pandemic, … The hospital was struggling with a high debt load … Read more

Murray Model Revised Yet Again – Now Saying NH Would Have Seven-Times as Many Coronavirus Hospitalizations YESTERDAY as Actually Hospitalized

Last night (3/31), at about 11:00 P.M., I posted Murray Model Predicted New Hampshire Would Need Three-Times as Many Hospital Beds Today for Coronavirus Than Number Reported by DHHS. At that time this is what the Murray model said New Hampshire hospitalizations for the Coronavirus would look like: Now, less than twelve hours later, the … Read more

How Deadly is Covid?

Virginia Extends Coronavirus Lockdown to Mid-June

This: Meanwhile Scott Gottlieb, whose recommendations apparently are driving the federal government’s response, is talking about August as when we can expect to return to “some elements” of our “normal lives”: If we keep this country on lockdown until July or August, there will be no “normal” to come back to. The economy is not … Read more

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