Murray Model Revised Yet Again – Now Saying NH Would Have Seven-Times as Many Coronavirus Hospitalizations YESTERDAY as Actually Hospitalized

Ed Mosca

Last night (3/31), at about 11:00 P.M., I posted Murray Model Predicted New Hampshire Would Need Three-Times as Many Hospital Beds Today for Coronavirus Than Number Reported by DHHS. At that time this is what the Murray model said New Hampshire hospitalizations for the Coronavirus would look like:

Now, less than twelve hours later, the model is saying New Hampshire would have not the 160 hospitalizations on March 31st (above), but 346:

The actual number (per DHHS): At the most, 49.

The press needs to start demanding our political leaders tell us if they are using this model (as the federal government is), and … if they are … why they are using a model that makes no sense.


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