“Tell the world, Johnny, tell them that I, Johnny Depp, a man, I too am a victim of domestic violence. And see how many people side with you.” How many women have had men say that to them?
If An Adult Kept Talking to You About Sex or Gender at Work …
The scenarios in which broaching the subject of sexuality without it being creepy are few. If you were at work and someone started talking about their sexual preferences, that might constitute illegal harassment.
Harassment Warning Requested Against Nashua’s Mayor Donchess, Director Kim Kleiner, and Attorney Bolton
Chief Carignan, I am writing to ask the police to issue a warning for harassment to Mayor Donchess, Director Kim Kleiner, and Attorney Bolton.
Second Harassment Grievance Filed Against Nashua City Right to Know Coordinator Jesse Neuman
As that old song goes, “Second verse, same as the first” (from “Henry the 8th, I am, I am” well before Jesse Neumann’s time), here comes another complaint. For this one, as WELL as the first one, the question is whether the politicized HR department takes them seriously?
Jewish UMASS Amherst Student Called a Nazi, Students and Faculty Run Him Off-Campus
Blacks get called white supremacists for supporting Trump. As dumb as that sounds, how much worse is this? Louis Shenker was a student at UMASS Amherst. A supporter of the president, who thought the university’s dedication to free speech and peaceful protest was inclusive. It was not.
Steve “Pocket-Stalin” Shurtleff Disgraces Himself and Makes a Mockery of the N.H. House By Holding Soviet-Style Show Trials
Yesterday Speaker Steve Shurtleff earned the moniker I use for him … Pocket-Stalin … by spending half a day conducting Soviet-style show-trials of the handful of GOP Reps who had the courage of their convictions NOT to attend the House’s reeducation camps (House Rule 67). In a recent post, I demonstrated that House Rule 67 … Read more
Dear GOP House Reps: You are NOT Required to Attend Speaker Shurtleff’s Reeducation Camps
So last week Ethan DeWitt of the Concord Monitor vented on twitter about House GOP (1) not all following the House Rule for mandatory “harassment” and “discrimination” “training”: 67. All legislators, legislative officers, and legislative staff shall attend in-person education and training regarding sexual and other unlawful harassment and discrimination. and (2) some attending an … Read more
Rep. Jan Schmidt Thinks We Want to Silence Her (And Other Confusing and False Ideas)
I have written this more than once. Under no circumstance do I want Democrat House Member Janice Schmidt to be silenced. I’ve never said it, nor have I attempted to facilitate it.
New Hampshire House Democrat Respect & Civility Alert!
New Hampshire Democrats ran on respect and civility. And we knew it for the fraud it was but people still fell for it.
Part and parcel to the fraud was Speaker Norelli claiming to shake up the seating arrangements in the House to help build respect and civility, bi-partisanship, working together…I figured it was so the Democrat majority could intimidate the minority members. Another rep I spoke with suggested that this seating plan would make it easier for the Speaker to call close voice votes however she felt like calling them.
I can’t speak to the latter but the harassment by Democrats has already begun.
Today’s Respect and Civility Award goes to David P. Miller D- Rochester.