Jewish UMASS Amherst Student Called a Nazi, Students and Faculty Run Him Off-Campus 

Blacks get called white supremacists for supporting Trump. As dumb as that sounds, how much worse is this? Louis Shenker was a student at UMASS Amherst. A supporter of the president, who thought the university’s dedication to free speech and peaceful protest was inclusive. It was not.

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Campus professors, administrators, and graduate student instructors publicly smeared UMass Amherst student Louis Shenker as a dangerous racist and falsely charged him with hate crimes to get him expelled from school, claiming that his “views are not the kind we want to cultivate at the University.”

Loius supports Mr. Trump, is a Zionist, and a conservative. When he attempted to peacefully counter-protest a rally on campus, he was assaulted. “They called Louis, (the) grandson of Holocaust victims, a “Nazi” and a “fascist.” Beth Peller, a graduate student who teaches English to undergraduates, snatched his hat (a symbol of white supremacy according to the radical protesters), and screamed, “Get the f**k out of here, you shouldn’t be in an anti-racist march!”

Nice people. And the attacks were just beginning.

On October 13, 2019, two faculty members and an assistant dean exchanged emails formulating a harassment and defamation plan to force Louis to leave the university. In possession of the emails, Louis’s attorneys confirmed that Professor Maryann Barakso wrote, “We need to talk about Louis. He is becoming a major problem…. As you know he is Jewish, so we have to be very careful and smart in how we deal with this problem.” Professor Lauren McCarthy responded, “We’ve dealt with other problem students in the past successfully and you know nobody likes a racist so we can handle it.”

Faculty at UMASS were discussing their Jew problem. Nice (that’s still sarcasm). But they were serious.

  • The university did nothing to protect his right to peaceful protest.
  •  Flyers depicting Louis’s face were spread across campus: “ALERT! WHITE SUPREMACIST LOUIS SHENKER.”
  • Louis was called a Nazi and threatened with physical violence.
  • A series of false charges against Louis were filed with the municipal police.
  • There was an online petition calling on the university to expel the dangerous white supremacist Shenker.
  • UMass Amherst ignored Louis’s requests for protection…and he was forced to flee the campus.

Remember, Universities are safe places for diversity and inclusion unless you think the wrong thoughts. And they decide what thoughts.

Related: Explore more articles on Free Speech

You’ll be happy to know that Louis and his lawyers are going to sue the crap out of UMASS Lowell Amherst.

You’ll also be happy to know that most of this is all well-documented fact of which the perpetrators were vocal, public, and proud.

You will not be happy to know, if you did not know already, that this happens all the time, on Universities all over the country, and Academia has no intention of doing a damn thing about any of it becasue these are the kids who will one day deliver their Marxist utopia.

The template for America, which was developed and is in plain view on the UMASS Amherst (and just about every other) Campus. And currently coming to a city or town near you.

 Legal Insurrection | American Spectator


Note: UMASS Lowell was incorrectly mentioned in one instance and has been corrected.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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