Gun crime thug robbery murder

Data Point – Gun Crime (NOT Gun “Violence”)

by Skip

Gun “violence” is just another perversion by the Left of our common language like “voter suppression” when the Left can’t get its own way (as in “anyone voting at any time from anywhere in any election they want.”  Often, they say we have “an epidemic” here.

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Common language

Quick Thought – Change the language, change the thought pattern.

by Skip

The Left has been doing this for a long time: Transsexual has become trans male or trans woman Gay no longer means “happy! happy!” Transsexual has transmogrified into trans male or trans woman Abortion bad, “Pro-choice” / “Reproductive Justice” / “Body autonomy” is the new hotness Libertarian has become “selfish!” Conservative has become “evil” / … Read more

Gun Control is Not Greater Safety

Gun Control is Not Greater Safety

Gun control is not greater safety. Everyone knows that Chicago has a problem with gun violence. It is a result which should be the expectation. The city has such strict gun control measures in place. The expectation does not match the actual… The intention of strict gun control is to prevent criminals from possessing firearms … Read more

“School Security Guards Don’t Work” Hypocrites

sidearmOfficer[NBC’s David] Gregory also claimed that security guards don’t work. “But you would concede that, as good as an idea as you think this is, it may not work. Because there have been cases where armed guards have not prevented this kind of massacre, this kind of carnage. I want you would concede that point, wouldn’t you?,” the NBC anchor said.

Armed security doesn’t work? Well, then the question must be asked of Gregory why he sends his own kids to a school with just that sort of protection?

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Some Cool “Ice-T” on A Hot Summer Day

Rapper Ice-T is standing up for the second amendment. “The right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the police.” No government can complete it’s path to tyranny, soft, smiley-faced, or hard boiled, while the public remains lawfully armed.  The right … Read more

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