
Where “Gun Violence” Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

These Leftists are forever trying to turn the Live Free or Die State into a Socialist Nirvana. Progressives (the preferred euphemism for Socialists) are unconstitutionally unable to leave other people alone to live their lives according to the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that … Read more

Boston Can’t Seem to Get a Handle on Violent Crime

If skin color or ethnic background matters to you, you are a racist, but since we’re talking about Boston’s so-called racist history, we will have to attach some labels. It was, after all, Democrats who made a point of putting people of color in charge.

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Mao gotta get the guns -politics barrel of a gun

What it Means When Democrats Say They “Want to Reduce Gun Violence”

If you do even a minimal amount of looking, you will discover that the political Left’s anti-gun violence laws result in more violence. That’s deliberate, but they’re not lying when they say they want to reduce gun violence.

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Joe Biden front page NYT original Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Burden’s Executive Order on Reducing Gun Violence and Making our Communities Safer

I watched the speech. After a long delay, Biden limped up the steps to the stage using his obligatory handrail, where he (sort of) discussed his new Executive Order (EO). His speech was short, thankfully, and as usual full of lies and inattention to law and government authorities.

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Canada Bans the Sale or Transfer of Handguns in the Dominion

Justin Troodough is grinning like the Cheshire cat. On Friday, his new anti-gun law went into effect. He thinks it is an anti-gun violence law, but as we all know, anti-gun-violence laws result in more violence, not less, so Canada should prepare for the inevitable.

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Data Point – Which Nation Has the Most Homicides per Guns Owned? It Isn’t the US!

For all we hear about gun violence, not enough of us on the Right will correct people like Zandra Rice-Hawkins by calling it for what it is: gun CRIME.  We also don’t push back that 2/3rds of the deaths from guns are suicides – they are SUICIDES and not violence. When you account for that, … Read more

Gun woman suicide Democrats Abortion

Suicide is Not Gun Violence It’s a Belated Abortion …

Suicide is a tragic and unpleasant business and is unusually common among people who know the Clintons. When a firearm is used, whether you knew the Clintons or not, the Left calls that gun violence. But that’s dishonest.

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Bill Maher John Wick Hollywood guns screen grab

Bill Maher Takes on Anti-Gun Hollywood’s Culture of Violence

It’s time for another installment of Leftist Bill Maher said something with which Conservatarians can (almost, sort of) agree. We like these because it feels like it validates our position. But let’s be clear we don’t need Bill Maher’s indulgence to be correct.

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Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets Podcast #4 – It’s the Degraded Culture, Stupnagel!

I do watch the Sunday morning political talk shows even if they are quite Progressive in outlook even as they insist that they are solidly in the middle. That’s because they are of a hive mind, soaked in their own intellectual/ideology social strata that has hardly anyone Right of center asked to be at their … Read more

Gun crime thug robbery murder

Data Point – Gun Crime (NOT Gun “Violence”)

Gun “violence” is just another perversion by the Left of our common language like “voter suppression” when the Left can’t get its own way (as in “anyone voting at any time from anywhere in any election they want.”  Often, they say we have “an epidemic” here.

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Common language

Quick Thought – Change the language, change the thought pattern.

The Left has been doing this for a long time: Transsexual has become trans male or trans woman Gay no longer means “happy! happy!” Transsexual has transmogrified into trans male or trans woman Abortion bad, “Pro-choice” / “Reproductive Justice” / “Body autonomy” is the new hotness Libertarian has become “selfish!” Conservative has become “evil” / … Read more

Gun Control is Not Greater Safety

Gun Control is Not Greater Safety

Gun control is not greater safety. Everyone knows that Chicago has a problem with gun violence. It is a result which should be the expectation. The city has such strict gun control measures in place. The expectation does not match the actual… The intention of strict gun control is to prevent criminals from possessing firearms … Read more

Gov. Sununu Keeps his Word – Vetoes Three Gun-Grabber Bills. Democrats Will Lose Their Minds!

Three Democrat-sponsored gun-grabbing bills in New Hampshire are toast. So, no. Granite Staters’ Constitutional Rights are not going”to be infringed.”

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unborn baby in womb

US Senator Jeanne Shaheen (Socialist-NH): hypocrite much? What about abortion violence?

SHOT: Tragically, El Paso and Dayton join the many communities across the country that have been devastated and traumatized by a mass shooting. Words will not stop these acts of terrorism. Congress needs to act. My full statement: — Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) August 4, 2019 CHASER: Supports an organization, Planned Parenthood, that kills … Read more

Chicago gun violence memorial day weekend

Chicagoland – New Red Flag Laws, More Officers Do Nothing to Stem “Gun Violence”

The only thing Liberals will not do to slow the tide of criminals engaging in”gun violence” is the one thing most likely to work. Make it easier for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves. Chicago is the poster-child for this mindset. The mecca of liberal gun laws and one of the most consistently violent places in America.

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Front page headline in today’s Wall Street Journal: “Senate in Deal on Gun Checks”

And here the Virtual President addresses a joint session of Congress on the subject:

“School Security Guards Don’t Work” Hypocrites

sidearmOfficer[NBC’s David] Gregory also claimed that security guards don’t work. “But you would concede that, as good as an idea as you think this is, it may not work. Because there have been cases where armed guards have not prevented this kind of massacre, this kind of carnage. I want you would concede that point, wouldn’t you?,” the NBC anchor said.

Armed security doesn’t work? Well, then the question must be asked of Gregory why he sends his own kids to a school with just that sort of protection?

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“Gun Control,” Obama, and the Media

By Neal Boortz, from his website, an number of important observations on the revitalized push to outlaw our inalienable right to self-defense as embodied in the 2nd Amendment:

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Some Cool “Ice-T” on A Hot Summer Day

Rapper Ice-T is standing up for the second amendment. “The right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the police.” No government can complete it’s path to tyranny, soft, smiley-faced, or hard boiled, while the public remains lawfully armed.  The right … Read more

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