Lest you think that Got Hate! Lefties are only in NH…

by Skip

Hatred abounds on the Left?  It seems that the Got Hate! crowd goes right to the heart of Progressivism – right to the Big Dollar Dogs:

So one of the people who helped build the Center for American Progress, creator of Think Progress, has created a new movement, hitting upon a slogan which really expresses their profound stupidity and childishness, as reported by Ben Smith:

… the Agenda Project, a new, progressive group with roots in New York’s fundraising scene and a goal of strengthening the progressive movement, has launched the "F.*.c.k. Tea project," which is aimed, the group’s founder Erica

Payne wrote in an email this morning, "to dismiss the Tea Party and promote the progressive cause." …

Just another word that Progressives wish to redefine: classy

Got Hate!  Progressives certainly do

(H/T: Legal Insurrection via Instapundit)

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