Reparations for Gays? When will victimhood march ever end?

by Skip

A big part of the Left schtick is setting up a group for sainthood victimhood, make them a protected class and thus making them more equal among equals (a la Animal Farm).  And that then, in the Socialist mindset, allows for this wealth transfer and political punishment:

"You know, I – gay people in this country have a long history of discrimination, of hatred, of murder," he continued. "Matthew Shepard, you know – tortured, dragged, dragged you know dragged at the end of a truck, tied to a fence post left to die in the desert sun for example. I think that we should have reparations for gays. I think that the Mormon Church, which contributed a large chunk, maybe as much half of the money or maybe members of the Mormon church, as much as half of the money from out-of-state to fund Prop 8 for the next 10 years should have to pay for every gay wedding in the state of California."

I still think this to be a real stupid idea, reparations,  when applied to "slave reparations" and forcing people like me, whose ancestors were not here in the US during the slave trade, to pay folks that have never personally suffered slavery.  Those that actually practiced slavery are long gone, those that directly suffered are gone, and 600,000 lives were lost during the Civil War in righting that wrong.

The gay movement, in my opinion, made a real big tactical mistake in claiming that their efforts to force acceptance of their lifestyle on society was equivalent of the black civil rights (that latter effort, I agreed with).  Many in the black community disagreed with them; many making that known by voting FOR Prop 8 in California.

Does this boob, liberal talker Thom Hartmann, have the stones to actually demand of blacks the money for gay reparations?

Crybabies status is actually all that is warranted for any group that demands payment for self-identified victimhood.

(H/T: NewBusters)

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