Georgia Archives - Granite Grok


accountability circa1954

To Be Held Accountable

One thing I have learned over these past 17 years here at GraniteGrok is that there is a descending value placed on professionals being held responsible.

Jury Of Your Jeers: Oh, Peers

The actions of the District Attorney and the Grand Jury in Fulton County, Georgia, should alarm every citizen in this country. This Grand Jury convened in 2022 to investigate any criminal activity involving the 2020 Presidential election. The Jury finalized its report in December 2022.

White Flag - Surrender, give up resign

The GOP … All Bark, No Bite

The GOP in a position to actually fight the Police State are sitting it out. All we get from them are tweets pointing out the “hypocrisy of the Democrats,” or appearances on Hannity pointing out the “Left’s double standard,” etc., etc. etc. But not a single impeachment. Not one.

Soldiers helicopter

This Is The End

Another day … another indictment of President Trump. But there is one thing that NeverTrump and MAGA seem to agree on … they think that it’s all somehow going to go back to normal. NeverTrump would have you believe that all that we need to do is put them back in charge of the GOP …

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Car fire original Photo by Matt Hearne on Unsplash

Domestic Terrorism Diversity Win

The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center has been a target for nut-job leftists for months. In December, we reported on the rock-throwing “peaceful” protesters with explosive devices and gasoline. The protesting never stopped, nor did the arrests.

Car fire original Photo by Matt Hearne on Unsplash

Five Left-Wing Domestic Terrorists Arrested

The news is typically johnny on the spot when “explosive devices, gasoline, & road flares” and discovered after the arrest of troublemakers outside an area where a government facility is being built. Unless they are connected to Antifa, and maybe no one thinks that’s a story that needs reporting.

George Election Results US Senate

“The People Have Spoken”

When Raphael Warnock delivered his victory speech after he was declared the winner of the Georgia Senate Run-off Election, he stated that “the people have spoken.” He said emphatically that these are the four most important words in government.