One thing I have learned over these past 17 years here at GraniteGrok is that there is a descending value placed on professionals being held responsible.
Certainly, we get to hold politicians to account every 2, 4, or 6 years, depending on the office and that office’s length of term.
As an example (sidenote), I am VEHEMENTLY against the growing trend of legislating the changing of NH County offices from 2 to 4 years. Face it, you’re just not that special. I might reconsider IF a bill was passed and signed that allowed we Citizens to recall any such politician at any time for any cause, political or otherwise, at a time of our choosing BEFORE the next election.
Politicians hate to be held accountable for their votes – both Parties. Especially the NH State Senate, where it always seems that for important votes, only a voice vote is called.
Much better in the NH House, but even then, too many “Representatives” refuse to muster up the courage to be on the record by casting a vote. We’ve chronicled those “walks” and “unexcused absences” many, many times.
Journalists are not fans of being held accountable for what they write or say, either. With their puffed-up chests hiding behind that hackneyed phrase “Comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable.” Poseurs, IMHO, as many have become nothing more than mouthpieces for the Left. (Think I’m kidding? Why, then, do their political donations to politicians, PACs, and Parties rarely end up with the corresponding Right-leaning entities?)
Trust me, they have not liked it once, finding out that when they have berated me or one of my writers, their names and organizations show up on Google results pages.
They then say that Journalism no longer has to be “objective.” That both sides of an issue do not have to be shown; that does not make you news-people – that’s an activist.
And now we see it with lawyers. Specifically, government prosecutors that refuse to hew to the Law and do their job. In their case, by way of some Gordian Knot reasoning containing a mishegoss mashup of Social Justice, Anti-Racism, Critical Race Theory, and various and sundry other Progressive malapropisms, all of which serve as excuses as to NOT doing their job – holding those alleged perps accountable for their alleged crimes against property or people.
They have decided not to be accountable to the Law AND complain when others attempt to hold them accountable by way of throwing the Race Card, the Class card, the extremist card, or whatever other XXXX Card they can think of. To make themselves victims instead of Society’s Legal enforcers (in which they were either appointed or RAN to be elected to do such).
Georgia Prosecutors File Challenge to Block Law That Holds Prosecutors Accountable.
You know, just like my “No Means NO!” bill that would have forced appointed (i.e., Town Administrators, School Superintendents, Selectmen, and School Boards from transferring monies into zeroed General Ledger accounts (by both Budget Committee and vote of town residents) because of loopholes in the NH Depart. of Revenue and Administration). FORCE them to have to Follow the Law. Of COURSE, they did (especially the “Soros-funded” prosecutors who were specially selected for their willingness to use “prosecutorial discretion” not as a tool for individual cases with specific situations but as a blanket for ALL crimes of a certain type. Because Society has so oppressed these now “victims,” it is outrageous to hold them responsible for crimes that Society forced them to commit…
…or some other form of Stupidness. It’s the Left’s continued shove push to remove Society’s definition of Personal Responsibility to a “group one.” Which, as we can all reason out, means no one is responsible for anything – and can then make the Stalinist “Show me the man, I’ll find you the crime’ come true far beyond their wildest expectations. Reformatted, emphasis mine:
Back in May, we reported about a new law in Georgia that seeks to hold prosecutors who don’t do their jobs accountable. The General Assembly passed the bill essentially along party lines — the one Democrat who voted in favor of it has since moved over to the GOP — and Gov. Brian Kemp signed it into law at a ceremony in Savannah, Ga.
“I am not going to stand idly by as rogue or incompetent prosecutors refuse to uphold the law,” Kemp said at the time. “Today we are sending a message that we will not forfeit public safety for prosecutors to let criminals off the hook.”
The law, which requires district attorneys to look at every case for probable cause and prevents the blanket dismissal of cases, took effect on July 1. The law also set up a commission that has the power to discipline or remove prosecutors who don’t prosecutes crimes thoroughly and fairly.
It sounds like Society is attempting to defend itself. After all, they found against my “No Means No” that would have allowed regular citizens to hold those officials to be accountable (btw, it was defeated after these same folks decided to fight back. Like these bozos:
Naturally, Democrat district attorneys leaped from their fainting couches in the highest of dudgeon over the new law, calling it “excessive and unnecessary” and even “racist” for suggesting that prosecutors should actually prosecute or face discipline. Now, a group of district attorneys has filed a challenge to the law, asking a judge to block it on the grounds that it undermines their ability to choose which cases to prosecute.
Well, when you act like children by only doing what you want vs. what you are SUPPOSED to do, why are you surprised when adults step in and correct you? When crimes are not equally gone after, the people hurt are the actual victims, not the criminals recast as criminals. And Society as a whole is harmed. But like children, there is always self-justification for their need to be independent from oversight by ANYONE (am fighting that ongoing battle with the Granddaughter right now).
…Spearheading the effort is DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry “I Can’t Prosecute Domestic Terrorists” Boston, who has twice recused her office from prosecuting Antifa thugs who have targeted the future site of a public safety training center for the City of Atlanta. In typical Democrat fashion, Boston framed the case in the most dramatic terms, pointing out to the AP that it’s “bigger than Georgia.”
“We are talking about prosecutorial discretion and prosecutorial independence, both of which have been solidly under assault the last few years,” Boston said.
Have you noticed that when Democrats don’t like something, that means that the opposite of that thing is “under assault”?
Democrats and their [in]actions are always portrayed as victims. Always. I’ll end with this:
…“All Georgians deserve to be safe, and all crime victims deserve justice,” Carr also tweeted. “Like everyone else, DAs who choose to violate their oaths of office are not immune from accountability, and we will vigorously defend this law in court.”
It’s astonishing the lengths that prosecutors — including one Republican — will go to get out of doing their jobs.
Accountability – another centuries-old, time-honored American trait that is under attack everywhere. Glad to see that someone had the stones to defend it.
HT | Instapundit