George Washington

America’s First Thanksgiving Proclamation Was About The Constitution — And Not Everyone Liked It

When the first Congress met at Federal Hall in New York City in 1789, there were three days in September that saw a telling sequence of events. On Thursday, Sept. 24, the House of Representatives finalized the language for what the states would later ratify as the First Amendment to the Constitution. The first part of this amendment declared: “Congress shall … Read more

State Rep “Celebrates” July 4th By Mocking George Washington

“Diversity is our strength.” Really? How are we stronger by having a condescending, sneering, potty-mouth elitist, born-with-a-silver-spoon from Bedford “representing” Manchester in the House?  See below for how Jessica Where-All-The-DILFs-At Grill commemorates American independence … by mocking those “old, white males” who created the greatest system of government ever.

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George Washington

Complicity Galore

Beginning in 1789, America’s Constitutional form of limited governing took effect. As our new country became established, its authority was limited, as was its revenue – due to its meager tariff-based revenue – so if there was debt back then, it was minor and of brief duration.

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Pulpit Polity – George Washington, Faith, and God

This week, I want to examine the place of prayer in perhaps the most influential American ever, George Washington. His name and character have been revered not only in America but throughout the world. Washington was perhaps the most unique political leader we have ever had in our nation.

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George Washington

Today in History: The Fairfax Resolves Adopted – Condemning British Constitutional Violations

On July 18, 1774, a committee led by George Washington in Fairfax County, Virginia, voted to adopt the Fairfax Resolves condemning British actions against the colonies and calling for an embargo on British imports and exports. It represented growing colonial resistance, which ultimately led to a British gun control program and the march on Lexington and … Read more

American Flag

America Is Worth Fighting For

The naked truth is that politicians are paid agents. They do and say what gets them elected and keeps them in office. As a voter and fund contributor, you are important.

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John Hancock - Declaration of Independence

Preserving a Culture of Freedom in NH

On July 6, 1776, John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress, wrote to the Committee of Safety at Exeter, N.H. to inform them that Congress had declared independence from Great Britain. (Here’s a copy of his letter to Georgia).  

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Set free

What George Washington and the Political Response to COVID19 Have In Common

I’m reading ‘Young Washington’ by Peter Stark. It is a history of our first President in his early twenties. George makes a lot of mistakes (didn’t we all). One of them (nearly), in 1758, follows a months-long illness he can’t shake. The reason he had so much trouble?

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George Washington Statue in portland

Attacking Washington

Today, some of the men who founded our country are under attack. George Washington’s skill, character, and leadership were widely acknowledged by his peers. So much so the Continental Congress selected him unanimously to lead the Continental Army.

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George Washington Statue in portland

Escalation: “Protesters” Topple and Desecrate Statue of George Washington

The left said we just don’t want contraception to be illegal, and now they call you names if you object to live both abortions. Democrats said we just want civil unions, and now you’re a bigot if you object to gay marriage. Same deal with guns and now (drumroll) knocking down statues.

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Murals GWHS California

George Washington High School – Murals of George Washington Offend ‘Students’

Projecting modern “values” as an excuse to erase history is not new. Conquerors have been doing it since the dawn of man. Communists, ISIS, and other tyrants and despots perform such cleansing as a matter of policy today. Democrat socialists do it too. Right here in America.

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Notable Quote – George Washington on the importance of firearms

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very … Read more

Notable Quote – George Washington

“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.” – George Washington, first President of the United States

Notable Quote – George Washington

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” – George Washington, first President of the United States

Notable Quote – President George Washington

“We should never despair, our Situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new Exertions and proportion our Efforts to the exigency of the times.” – George Washington, first President of the United States (who stepped down … Read more

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