Complicity Galore

Beginning in 1789, America’s Constitutional form of limited governing took effect. As our new country became established, its authority was limited, as was its revenue – due to its meager tariff-based revenue – so if there was debt back then, it was minor and of brief duration.

Our travails from then till today’s outlaw authority, which finances a slew of unconstitutional domestic and foreign expenditures, is at such a depth that it must waste hundreds of billions just to satisfy its interest on the debt!

Such indebtedness presents the harsh truth of a government that has long since shed those limiting shackles. A small item, but never-the-less attributable to this monstrous authority, is the inflated salaries of our handsomely paid “public servants.” In theory and reality, the term “public servant” is only applicable to those days of horse and buggy travel since, back then, one’s service involved personal sacrifice for the betterment of America. Not so today!

A normal outgrowth from such corrupt and inefficient governing, is the lesser quality in many of the many elected. Selfless service disappeared when the glitter of gold transformed those former “servants” to that of being career minded while eyeballing a more than affordable lifetime of benefits. This has become so lucrative that contestants for office usually begin under the tutelage of one’s local political “machinery.” After all, the posts being offered are not only prestigious but lucrative, so while many apply, only a few of the eager and manageable are chosen!

Sadly, this devalued quality in the elected merely shadows the public ranks from which they are selected. I do not intend to insult, but it’s plain to see from this governmental reversal from a limited authority to our current “in-the-red” version that all this has happened without a peep from our citizens!

Other players, such as academia and our former “free press,” had to be included so that this ongoing and unheeded governmental transformation could effectively continue. This effort has operated at a gradual pace so as not to spark public attention. From a before and after comparison, what began as “limited” is now a full-throttle pedal to the metal abuse!

Usually, pursuits that are illegal lack any overall merit. This is one reason why they are forbidden by law; they lack any benefit or any betterment for our Country. As such, these criminal actions feed into the immediacy of the group’s demands, which espouses an ideology that is immoral, unGodly, and, of course, anti-American. Basically, this is the current revisionist agenda with its aim to blanket our countryside. Therefore, this wide-ranging undertaking necessitates collaborations with players holding national prominence and influence. This can be validated by the corruptive designs and effective influences from the two willing and complicit examples previously mentioned: academia and the media. Both have been deeply entangled over a very lengthy period of time and have been highly influential with their unfounded opinions at the student and throughout the variety of public information levels.

In the former case, an area in which the government lacks any legal claim to be, fundamental learning has been slowly revamped to the point that it now has invaded the inner sanctuary of the American family while at the same time attempting to challenge mother nature! In the second case, what has evolved, and it’s not just a recent development, can be adequately characterized with its new and very accurate logo of “fake news.”

Today’s Americans are living in what might be a “never-never land,” that is, a momentary existence between freedom and slavery. What else is there to think when all these societal and cultural revisions carry the same anti-American banner? If this fails to convince, explain this state of indebtedness while defiantly championing trillions to foreign countries!

Common sense is the only requirement to see that this latest act of unconstitutional spending is just a shorter and more direct path to a national state of dependency! However, what this move also suggests is that these revisionists might just be getting impatient, given today’s political landscape and its increased questioning by an awakened citizenry. So, as we remember George Washington’s birthday, its appropriateness must not be overlooked. He managed to achieve a “limited government,” so he and his memory may again fuel America’s embrace of renewal, one that would require sanity and sacrifice for limited governing!

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