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Bouncing Back

Is it just me or are we starting to see the price of gas increasing again? Hope not but a couple of stations look like it. One thing is we can be happy we are not out in California where it’s at $6.00 or more but there is no reason it should be above $2.00 … Read more

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Dependent On Russia

Hungary can’t ban Russian gas and oil because 85% of its natural gas and over 56% of its oil comes from Russia, making it the most dependent of the Euro nations on that source. All of Europe is at some level dependent on Russia, and there is no way around it. Unless of course, Biden unlocks American oil and gas production.

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Portrait of a Blameless President

One-time Vice President Hubert Humphrey learned a thing or two about politics during his long political career.  He once quipped, “To err is human…To blame someone else is politics.”  A young Joe Biden must have been taking notes.

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