It’s All About What They Want

Erik Erickson offers up an interesting article on pursuing a constitutional convention, (here) but what caught my attention was the Rasmussen figuers on the differences in perception between the Hodesheaporters of the world and the rest of us.   Consider the Rasmussen surveys of late: 86% of voters believe there should b “limits on what … Read more

The Past As The Present

  I picked this up from RedState who got it recently from the Chicago Tribune where it was apparently published back in 1934.  We are invited to read the list on the sign in the bottom left hand corner but there are plenty of interesting things to catch the eye. "It worked in Russia."  And … Read more

Read This Now

No, not my latest essay.  I’m not that arrogant.  I’m referring to (This!) by Angelo M. Codevilla at the American Spectator.  Every one should read it.  Everyone.   Here’s the opening and I will leave you to trust me or not. As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican … Read more

Shea-Porter’s Money “Don’t know were it came from.”

Carol's LaundryMoney laundering is illegal unless you are in congress. Once you are a member in good standing you earn the privelege of access to a hoard of cash accumulated by the hundreds and hundreds of congressional PAC’s fed by those buying influence. It is money that comes from lobbyists, special interests, the corporate culture of business big and small, unions, fringe groups, mainstream special interests, and everyone else. Carol Shea Porter is a willing recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars over her congressional career from this polluted well, but she would like very badly for to believe that "the money don’t know where it came from."

"The money don’t know" meme is the standard dodge reported ad nuaseum on television and in movies whenever one of our imperfect heroes discovers some stash of drug cash. It’s tainted money, accumulated by thugs and murderers on the lives, weakness, and addictions of others, (just like congress) but as the story goes…it’s ok to take it because the money don’t know where it came from. The heroes resist temptation. Shea Porter is no such hero.

From this mornings Nashua Telegraph, Kevin Landrigan quotes Sheep-Porter’s campaign manager Angela Ruslander as she justifies the paltry 200K in fundraising last quarter.

""Since Carol’s winning campaign in 2006 she has never accepted contributions from D.C. Lobbyists or business PAC’s,…Instead, Carol has always relied on a strong grassroots network. This support ensures that Carol can continue to stand up for Granite State veterans, soldiers, seniors, and middle class families."

Bwahahahahaha! Angela how the hell do you sleep at night?

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Carol-Care Meets RealityIndependent voices might have some expectation of doing independent things.  Things like reading legislation or accessing resources outside the ones the people desperately selling a bill want you to stick to.  That kind of open mindedness would go a long way to demonstrating integrity and responsibility.  Or you could be Carol Shea Porter. 

Carol sold Health Care reform as instructed.  She shifted gears as instructed, spun when asked, and followed the talking points all the way to the bitter end like a clumsy dancer following on the fly choreography.

But now that the reality of what she has done is upon us, it sure would have been nice to have an independent voice instead Carol Shea-Porter.

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We’ll Have A Gay Old Time

It should be common knowledge that Governor Lynch attended a secret gay-donor confab in Chicago back in May.  But no one was supposed to know.  I got wind of it when I received an article from the Washington Blade questioning the secrecy. (A repost of that blog can be found here)  Only two months later, it is finally showing up locally at the Keene Sentinel.

Of course the Sentinel seemed more concerned with the group and our governor’s evolution on the issue; his shift from what they call ambivalence to outward embrace of gay marriage.  But why not report this meaningful embrace back in May when it happened?  It seems like he could have used a lift after that beating he took from the National Organization for Marriage.  Was it too secret an embrace?  So secret that the no one wanted it known?  Was Governor Lynch afraid to come out of the gay donor closet?

He was, and for good reason.

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ONE! Singular Deception…

The ONE campaign is back in New Hampshire and looking for fresh souls to trap in its twisted web of deception.  While liberals are always ripe for a sob story, ONE is always looking for unsuspecting so-called conservatives and Republicans to call friends.  And the GOP is easy prey.  After years of being framed by the media as cold-hearted war mongers who spend long days smoking cigars and oppressing the world’s poor for the gain of their corporate paymasters, nothing looks better to them than being seen with a group like ONE campaign.

Unless of course you’ve seen the Black Widow waiting at the center of the ONE web.

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Redress of Grievances

Skip wrote a post here rearding Obama’s ‘Kick Ass’ moment.  As I began typing my ‘comment’ it began to grow into something to long for the format.  So here it is. I’d sum it up (Obama’s attitude problem as Skip presents it) as an inversion of the first amendment right to redress of grievances.  Obama feels … Read more

Another Obama Jobs Program

Obama has apparently banned deep water drilling in the Gulf. Well c’mon, what did you expect. Millions of barrels spewing into the water and oil went down in price? Who cares if thousands more people are now out of work. This is about the agenda damn it. Besides they are probably all a bunch of God fearing, gun clinging republicans anyway.

From Day One

The anti-terrorism strategy so far has been to bow and scrape, and admit faults, and hope nothing bad happens.  The product of that failed policy has been for our enemies to take advantage of us while continuing to hate us more than ever, with a jihadi gunman successfully killing at fort Hood while two Bombs that were … Read more

The Peoples Republic of Hodesistan

  In the People’s Republic of Hodesistan (PRH) unemployment always hovers around 9-10%.  That’s the new normal.  And it has to be.  No matter how many bail outs and prop ups and incentives Mr. Hodes conceives to redistribute your earnings, there is never enough of other peoples money.  As the tax dollar pool from which his … Read more

From Day One

"Let me be clear” may be giving way to “From Day one.”  “From Day One” is the new backstop in the absence of physical evidence.  "From day one," the Obama administration was working behind the scenes on a response to the BP oil rig explosion.  You’re damn right they were.

Day one began with the same meeting they have every time something happens; how can we blame Bush or Republicans, and if not them who?  No "national" response is possible until that narrative has been worked out, and a plan is in place to turn whatever it is into some political advantage, unless it fits an existing grievance narrative already in place like "racist!"   The Narrative seeps out, the media and the administration regurgitate it, add spin and stir. 

And if you look over the short list of possibilities, Fort Hood, The Panty Bomber, Bonus announcements, Voter intimidation case involving Black Panthers, Tea Party protesters, Illegal immigrants rioting, things said by republicans, things said by democrats, scandals involving democrats, body counts, comments about clean black men, the difference in response time and the actions taken—or not–reveal their actual priorities.  It’s not jobs or growth or cleaning up corruption or clean energy.  It’s all politics, power and payback, all the time.

AIG bonuses—the ink isn’t even dry and the entire left side of the congress along with the White house is barfing class warfare rhetoric from every media orifice they can find about how they need to reign in big "whatever," new legislation already in hand.  An al Qaida trained terrorist tries to blow up a plane and is thwarted by passengers….need a week before we can even comment.

Of course we know why they need more time.  We’ve seen what happens when they are forced to comment on something before the ritual three day minimum.  They put their collectivist feet in their collective mouths.  They really have no clue what they are doing, especially when someone else craps on America before they can and they have no narrative in place.

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No Gambling

In the smoldering ruin of SB 489–this years gambling bill, even after a massive campaign by Millennium gaming and its big-money FixItNow NH campaign quarter-backed by their Public relations goo-roo Richard Killion, (whom I suspect is this guy), we get comments like this, from this morning’s Union Leader.

“What’s clear is that today’s vote runs contrary to the will of the people, who, overwhelmingly support expanded gaming and see it as the only acceptable new revenue option,” he said. “The people do not want higher taxes.”

The people do not want higher taxes.  But nothing else he says makes any sense unless he means the will of "the minority of" people who overwhelmingly support expanded gaming, and see it as the only acceptable option."  Isn’t language fun?

Richard really should have been around New England long enough to know that the one thing you can count on in New Hampshire is for voters to contact their state reps and let them know how they feel about an issue.  So from square one this statement is at the very least disingenuous.  Before we even get to square two we know that that is exactly what the people did, and the product of that opinion (how the House voted) is clearly represented in the roll call.  Consider the following.

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Stock Up On Brown Shirts

  The Obama Administration, through the labor deprtment, is making unpaid internships at corporations illegal.  Erick Erickson at Red State has the good here.  But non-profits and paid internships are still OK. So what does this mean? It keeps them out of the free market system.  It will invariably drive school age kids into left … Read more

Hate Pimps

  Anyone else getting bored with the left wing hate meme? I know I am.  It’s like living with some insane relative whose run out of psychotropic meds.  Or how about that dog from America’s funnies home videos?  He’s using his nose to roll a rock around the yard and the voice over is “Pushing … Read more

No Lessons Learned

Representative Shea-Porter, when given a simple solution invariably chooses the more complex one because it does a better job of hiding the true costs and intentions of any given legislative endeavor.  Insurance reform is the fine example, but a more obvious choice is Cap and Trade.  A basic sin-tax on carbon, like those on tobacco, would … Read more

Help Wanted

The administrations media lap dogs in the distractatopia are promoting the arrest of some “militia group” in Michigan bent on killing police officers to start a civil war.   I’m not sure about the finer details, but I think the media is misrepresenting their intentions.   These would be cop killers might just be vying to host Mr. Obama’s … Read more

Carol Shea Porter’s Ignorance & Arrogance Tour

Ms. Carol, central-planning-government-first-teabgger-we-dont-need-to-vote-on-that-to-deem-it-passed-Shea-Porter (D-Utopia) is doing town halls over the Easter recess in which (I suspect) she will try explaining how good insurance reform will be for us.  If she gets the chance.  Most of the people who will come out to meet her, other than the assigned Liberal Pride groupies, union hacks, and women’s studies laureates, know more about the legislation than she.  And with any luck, a few of them will honor the Shea-Porter of old and get uppity and verbally disruptive so we can all write more blogs calling her a hypocrite when she gets them thrown out.

While I commend her for doing the tour, had insurance reform not passed we can bet she’d be in hiding, but in either case Carol still has plenty to answer for.

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What Cost For Free Speech

Dear Leader has been at odds with the Supreme Court over campaign finance rules. His reasoning is simple. The old rules work to the advantage of incumbents, and entrenched bureaucrats. The new rules make it easier for anyone to compete. They actually level the field a bit. But being ‘in power’ and being as corrupt … Read more

Revolving Door

The Revolving door is the millwork of connected Political insiders in Washington.  These are the people that keep tax dollars flowing into the metastasizing tumor of big government, and through the veins of the groups that use the revolving door to feed their own wealth and influence.    It is a fiscally incestuous relationship between power … Read more

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