You aren't going to leave me alone are you?

We Hire Presidents to Defend Constitutional Values

I thought the term Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) was just a tongue-in-cheek way of referring to those who didn’t support President Trump. You know, it’s not really a clinical diagnosis, just a joke. Looking at the so-called news and the recent flurry of letters in the Sun, I’m not so sure anymore.

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Biff Burt is onto something

Some of you have seen ads like the one above, for presidential candidate Biff Burt.  In this one, he promises free ammunition to all Americans if they elect him president.  In a different ad, he promises to give away money.

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Churchill Socialism

You Don’t Want What Socialism Promises

by Joseph Mendola  | As I drive to work each day, I sometimes see bumper stickers that say “Feel the Bern” – and then I wonder what people think about the consequences of socialism. Socialism is a system of economic policy that says that government is a better allocator of a nation’s resources than the … Read more

What have you got in your wallet?

Time for a progress review We are living with Democrat majorities here in New Hampshire’s House, Senate and Executive Council as well as in the House of Representatives in the District of Columbia. Let’s take this opportunity to examine what the people have got to show for the most recent election. Here in New Hampshire … Read more


Universal Basic IncomeSuddenly, it’s everywhere.  Lately I’ve even heard even libertarians suggesting that it might be a good idea to provide a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to replace the buffet of specific welfare programs that are now available to people who can’t afford things like housing (Section 8), heat (LIHEAP), medical care (Medicaid), food (SNAP), and so on.

This idea is a classic example of what Thomas Sowell calls ‘stage one thinking’, which is the apparent inability (or unwillingness) to appreciate that actions have consequences, and consequences propagate.

(Yes, I know that Milton Friedman advocated for a negative income tax, which is one type of universal basic income.  But Friedman also advocated for income tax withholding, which has turned into what we might call ‘the opiate of the taxes’.)

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Free For Me But Not For Thee

NH House members want to ski for free
not Weeeeee but Freeeeee!

In reporting on New Hampshire House Bill HB 514 –An Act relating to giving legislators a free ride–WMUR reports that it a) came out of committee with instructions to kill it (this is good) but b) that supporters of the bill claim that Members skiing for free at Canon Mountain–the Bill’s real purpose–doesn’t add costs to the Ski areas.

Supporters argue that lawmakers have open access to state parks which promotes awareness of the locations.

They say skiing at Cannon doesn’t add costs to the ski area and encourages members to experience that part of New Hampshire culture.

Yes, of course.  And that is, after all, why we elected them.  Though I do have some lingering questions…

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National Media Theme: Voting Block Is Becoming Less White

Imagine a judicial nominee said ‘my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman.’ Wouldn’t they have to withdraw? New racism is no better than old racism. —Newt Gingrich

The vote is in. Obama is still President. The Republican establishment got exactly what they wanted: Romney as a candidate; a losing candidate. And despite their tireless inane mantra during the primaries exclaiming, “Romney is the only guy who can beat Obama” So what be the post-game analysis now? Romney lost. Romney was never a conservative. He said he was a conservative but we all knew differently…and like so many others we voted for him because voting for Obama was not an alternative for us.

But the real story here is what the biased, liberal  in-the-bag lamestream media has to say about it the morning after:  America, because it is less white, voted for Obama.

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