Wouldn’t it be Wonderful?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find a cure for all things that ail us? Perhaps we could make the cure from divine fruit. What do you think? Should the cure be fair to the eye? Would it be inviting to the palate? Would it grant us the virtue of wisdom?

All you need to do is submit and be taken care of

If such a cure exists then what hinders us from submission to this great good? How does this thing which feeds us at once, both body and mind, not attract all sentient beings? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had that? Or maybe it exists and all we have to do is submit ourselves to the ideology… Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

This is the description of what socialists dangle as the reward for submission. It is free stuff, without limit, for everyone, all of the time. The truth is socialism is something darker. Socialism is a political reality like all political realities. It has bounds.

To maintain any society there must be control, an economy, and a ruling elite. Those are the functional realities socialists never talk about. They always talk about the dream; never about what it means when it translates into real life. Are we seeing the translation in CHAZ, in BHAZ, with BLM, with Antifa, RAM?

Time is a true test of what works

Socialism is perhaps the most thoroughly and completely discredited political idea in history. Let’s compare it to some other systems throughout history. Monarchies and feudal systems were functional for centuries. Monarchy is gone the way of the dodo.

Feudalism too is generally in the rearview mirror of history. These systems are essentially gone from current use. But they are out of favor rather than discredited. From the start of time, there were strong leaders, kings, emperors, warlords, etc. Societies rose and fell by their wisdom, vision, and might.

People in western societies in the mid-seventeen hundreds made a decision. They would no longer live under Kings. The desire for self-governance surged forward. Most western societies have chosen some form of representative government. They claim the freedom of Kings and accept the responsibilities attendant.

Societies need economic systems, not just strong leaders

The economic system of the Kings was feudal. Capitalism supplants it in western societies. The genius of capitalism is found in the utilization of each person’s personal motivation for a greater good. Each individual works to better provide for who and what he or she supports.

Some call it enlightened self-interest. It works voluntarily. It elicits greater efforts and better results, than any other system tried to date. Left to its own devices it does serve society’s greater good without requiring compliment, tribute or supplication.

Socialism on the other hand, is much like slavery in that it is a discredited system of ideas. Slavery has been around as long as man has understood oppression. It relies on power and control to enforce a tyrannical regime for human exploitation. Socialism in all its iterations has collapsed. The collapse comes when the people living under it recognize it for the form of slavery that it is.

Submission in America today

In America today we have an alliance of leftists and Islam. Together they work to achieve your submission to their respective totalitarian political system. The groups share money and work together to tear down America. Each wants your submission, they want to rule you. They quite simply want power and control. Doubt it?

Who opposes the first amendment? Who has tried repeatedly to change it? The first amendment is what prohibits the government from infringing your rights. What rights? The rights you were born with, which no man need ask for. The rights your creator gave you. Americans hold these truths to be self-evident.  Do you?

The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. This means our government cannot force us to, nor prevent us from, joining any religion we choose. The First Amendment goes on to prohibit the government from inhibiting the free exercise of religion. Think about that the next time you think about coronavirus, masks, and social distancing.

Our government is not allowed to abridge our freedom of speech. The First Amendment does not allow the government to tamper with the freedom of the press. The government is may not prevent us from assembling peacefully. And finally, under the First Amendment, we have a right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


What’s socialism ever given anyone? It gives everyone, every time tyranny, poverty, and oppression. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if America became a socialist utopia? America isn’t perfect. But it has become the freest, the richest, most powerful, and most importantly the most egalitarian nation in the history of the world. Is it perfect? No, but we have learned from not denied history in the past. Do we really want to trade our voluntary system of federalism for socialism? Really?

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