A thread (eleven in all) from Marco Rubio on X well worth reading. In my words, not his … we are a country, not an economy. This is heresy to free-market ideologues like the Koch-bots, who believe that the “free market” is the end, NOT the means to an end … that end being a stronger, more prosperous country for ALL Americans, not just for Wall Street and Big Tech and the corporatist/globalist class.
Free Market
COVID-19 Vaccinations Are Not a Free Market Victory
In light of Nobel Prizes being given to two researchers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations, beltway establishments like that of the Cato Institute have lauded praises onto the decision. To Cato, as evidenced by a blog post by Ian Vásquez, the production of these vaccines was a “victory of globalization!”
Data Point – Notice which Price Changes Can Be Associated with Government Meddling in that Marketplace?
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have WINNAHS as they know the answer to the question: Which of these Marketplaces has Government inserting itself? Hospital Services? Think Medicare and Medicaid subsidies. College Tuition? Think Government “loan” subsidies. And College textbooks are in that as well (but they’ve always been expensive). Childcare & nursery school? Think Headstart (whose … Read more
Notable Quote – It’s Unfortunate That “Spontaneous Order” Isn’t Better Recognized
The first peculiarity of a spontaneous order is that by using its ordering forces (the regularity of the conduct of its members) we can achieve an order of a much more complex set of facts than we could ever by deliberate arrangement, but that, while availing ourselves of this possibility of inducing an order of … Read more
Inflation Even Hurts the Penguins
A recent video shows penguins at a Japanese aquarium rejecting the cheap fish the aquarium has substituted for the higher quality fish the penguins are used to receiving. The reason the aquarium switched fish is because rampant inflation has made it impossible for the aquarium to afford the higher quality fish.
When This Lot Says … “This Bill Is a Classic Free-Market Solution,” You Know They’re Lying
And also are trying to gaslight us all, once again, in trying to redefine our common language out from underneath us AGAIN. Sorry, once Government has stepped into the Private Sector and ORDERS it to do something, that marketplace has just become an extension of Government.
Stop Arresting Parents For Protecting their Children
Is schooling about padding the pockets of unions, about indoctrinating our children, about dominating taxpayers and parents, or about educating a child to the parent’s satisfaction?
Is Capitalism Evil?
The cover page of the July 4th Union Leader read, “Poetry Returns with a Slam,” headlining the return of Slam Free or Die, a poetry club that had not met in person since the beginning of the COVID lockdowns.
Why Government Can NEVER Get this Right
The opportunity that the free market offers exist for anyone regardless of age, sex, gender, race, origin, any of it. All you need is an idea and the motivation to get it out of your head and into the world as a real thing.
Sustaining the Center Right Mission
We want to thank all of you for making the New Hampshire Center Right meeting one of the most highly attended center right meetings in the country.
About Freedom…
Freedom is often talked about, praised, and glorified. We fight wars for freedom, sing songs about freedom, even our New Hampshire state motto pays homage to freedom, “Live free or die.” However, as I go about my duties as a Legislator and State Representative, I have serious concerns.
Data Point – 75% of Likely Voters Prefer Capitalism to Socialism
Being so immersed in what the Left believes, sometimes it’s hard to keep perspective on things. For this, WHEW! Reformatted, emphasis mine: A new poll by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports finds that a vast majority of likely voters prefer a free-market economic system over a socialist economic system. When asked on December 6-7, “Which … Read more
That’s no Excuse, and the Racialized Marxists are Here to Fix It
Would it surprise to know that the vegan world is rife with systemic racism? It might surprise you more to discover you cared, but you should for reasons I’ll explain. It’s all connected.
The Co-Founder of the Moonlight Meadery in Londonderry, Doesn’t Want Your Business
Berniece Van Der Berg is the co-founder of the Moonlight Meadery in Londonderry, New Hampshire, and if you are reading this, the odds are very good she doesn’t want your money.
Notable Quote – a warning to the NH GOFFER Commission
…which has been tasked on “restarting” the NH economy by “planning” how to “reopen” our economy. George Will: Markets produce many things secondarily, from shoes to trucks to novels, but primarily they produce information, in torrents that no government is intelligent enough to comprehend or nimble enough to respond to. Sure, Government can infringe, hinder, … Read more
Notable Quote – a Twofer
The market has never tried to change human nature, and guardians of the market have never considered using the market to change human nature. Instead, precisely because human nature cannot be changed, the market economy exists, which is also the reason the market economy is necessary: It causes human actions to better conform to the … Read more
Notable Quote – Prof. Don Boudreaux
… I offer here a handy guide to common misconceptions about free-market “economic orthodoxy” – or to use a less-loaded term, “market economics.” – Market economics does not hold that money is all that matters. Quite the contrary. Competent economists understand better than most people that individuals have a large scope for, and a deep interest in, … Read more
Healthcare Is Broke… What Do You Say, Let’s Fix It
One thing most Americans agree on is that our health care system is broken. It needs an overhaul. Lets look at what we have. Then maybe we should consider what we can spend. Throw money at the problem… Some people believe the answer is more money from the District of Columbia. We know DC dollars equal … Read more
The “Racist” Left Is Selling The Pursuit of Success as White Supremacy to Keep Minorities Down
If lifting people out of poverty and ending dependency is a goal the only system with the proven record of success is a Constitutional Republic with free market capitalism. So, why is it lost on so many that the Democrat party is in open rebellion against both?