Data Point – 75% of Likely Voters Prefer Capitalism to Socialism

by Skip

Being so immersed in what the Left believes, sometimes it’s hard to keep perspective on things.  For this, WHEW! Reformatted, emphasis mine:

A new poll by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports finds that a vast majority of likely voters prefer a free-market economic system over a socialist economic system. When asked on December 6-7, “Which is better – a free-market economic system or socialism?,” 75% of respondents answered “free-market economic system,” while just 11% answered “socialism.”

Again, THE question to ask: “Who Chooses?”

  • In a Free Marketplace, YOU choose.
  • In a Socialist system, GOVERNMENT chooses.

Which would you rather have?

(H/T: Liberty Unyielding)

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