Back in 2019, Hasbro released a woke feminist version of one of its more historically popular board games, as Monopoly. Ms. Monopoly “recognizes inventions that women created or contributed to and gives bonuses to female players.”
Bananas: The Bear Necessities
A recent resurgence in womyn getting back to nature has become the hot topics on social media. Social experiments revolving around bears versus men, primal screaming and cattiness calling out in congress and commencement speeches have seen the fairer sex exposing their claws and flaws for all to see.
Bananas: Feminists Struggle To Decide On Fifth Wave of Movement … and Dinner
The International Fraternity of Feminists (IFF) meeting took place at the lovely Brettonwoods resort earlier this month, and these little ladies have a lot to bitch about, it seems.
The New Face Of Feminism Is Conservative
The new face of feminism is conservative. How do I know? Not ONE democratic congresswoman voted for the Congressional H.R 734 “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023.” (The vote was straight down party lines with all 219 Republicans voting for the bill.) Think about that! How could any elected woman not … Read more
Not So Pretty in Pink – Contradictions in the Culture War
This may be an ICYMI, but the cultural battlefield being what it is, it seems appropriate to revisit or, in the event this is new to our pages, share it. The clip is short but makes a critical point we’ve visited more than once. The Left’s agenda is once again riddled with hypocrisy.
It’s Not Feminism, Its Femasculism
New Wave Feminism tried to stand on the shoulders of its older sisters but only just barely. It has been a while since it was about bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a pan. These days, it is more focused on “weaponizing their own unhappiness and turning it into an activist movement.”
Treehugger Serves Up a “Food Apartheid” Word Salad
Treehugger, that former font of Eco-Socialism, went pretty much dry when they fired the writers (like Lloyd Alter and Sami Grover) that were smart, stuck to their guns – and provoked a community of commenters that often were more interesting than the articles themselves.
Once Again, A Bearded Man Erases 82 Women at a World Poker Tour Event
Proving, once again, that men are out to prove they are a better woman than women. And the women aren’t fighting back. And other men aren’t defending them, either. I guess that the Feminists that wanted to prove that they were just as good as men never thought that they’d be competing to be better … Read more
Vermont Sen. Slammed on Twitter After CNN Interview
Yesterday CNN’s Jake Tapper did a segment on the Mid Vermont Christian School girls basketball team choosing to forfeit rather than put their girls on the court against a team w’ith a 6’3” boy. CNN brought a female reporter Brynn Gingras to get the story. Mid Vermont declined to be interviewed almost certainly to avoid … Read more
V-Day: Modern Feminism’s Valentines Day Contradiction
Valentine’s Day hasn’t been banned yet, but not all that long ago, modern feminists crafted their own interpretation of it. It is a self-contradicting alternate holiday called V-Day, combining awareness about sexual abuse alongside paraphernalia that encourages it.
Another Monday Mid-Day Meme Storm – ‘cuz Itz Munday
Welcome to Monday. Another week, more politics, lots of talk about Windham, but not in this post. This space is dedicated to more memes, memes, meme-ories, (do we have memeory glands?), and your memes in comments under ours.
Black people are recessive genetic defects and sub-humxn. No, I didn’t say that but…
Oh Wait! That’s not what was said – at least not by a Person of Pallor. It was by one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement – . Now, do you think THAT’s about “racial harmony” or leaning more towards “Black Supremacy”? ….and another deleted classic from Yusra Khogali — Adam … Read more
Notable Quote – Susan Venker
Trying to change the culture does not always result in the “progress” the Progressive-Socialists Feminists claim. Because change almost always keeps going past its optimal “FORWARD” and into mistake and misery. That is the hubris that THEY know what is best and not seeing or admitting their own lack of expertise.
I just think I’ll leave this here…
And leave it up to you as to the answer of the question. But is it because of the changing of our politics? It has been said that Socialism attracts weaker men (at which point, stronger men take advantage of them politically) Or is it because of the feminization of Society? Let me know… (H/T: … Read more
New Age Feminism – Female Chauvinism and Fainting Couches
The party that claims to empower women is systematically reducing them too fragile man-hating snowflakes. The sort that believes all sex is rape but need a safe space if someone tells a joke with a hint of sexual impropriety.
Radical Feminist who Says Men aren’t Women Under Investigation
Laura Tanner is a Graduate Student at UC Berkley. She is a Doctoral Candidate at UC Berkeley in the Department of Feminist Studies. You are looking at her Twitter page header image above. The UC Berkley Mob is not pleased.
Teen Vogue: No Such Thing as Biological Sex (So, No Such Thing as “Women’s Health Care”?)
When you get pregnant if you have an ultrasound, and you want to know what you are having, everyone looks for the ‘turtle.’ But according to Teen Vogue none of that matters. The ‘turtle’ might as well be an appendix. A vestigial organ with no purpose.
The Law of Unintended Consequences states: “Well, what did you actually EXPECT to happen???”
Sure, a lot of the men that were targeted deserved to be targeted and they took the Perp Walk of Shame all saying they’d learn from this, grow from this, and go after the NRA as penitence (yeah, what else would you expect given that the guilty were Hollywood based. The Feminists, especially Third Wavers, … Read more
PETA is Shaming Feminists Who Eat Eggs and Dairy
People Eating Tasty Animals, sorry, (what does PETA stand for again?), have a new campaign. It is aimed at feminists. Who eat eggs. And dairy products. Because eggs and dairy are a product of the abuse of females. Their words, not mine. Can you believe that?
I generally go with “tie it up in a burlap bag and drown it in the bathtub” but
..this sounds more “woke” and politically correct (heh!) (H/T: Powerline)