Democrats Out to Kill Charter Schools

We have just ended Joint Fiscal Committee meeting of the New Hampshire Legislature. The most controversial item was a Federal Education Grant of 46 million dollars over 5 years, for improving and adding new charter schools. The first installment to be voted on was 11 million dollars.

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Ann Kuster Helps Put Salem Taxpayers on a Great Big Hook

Salem-NHFor whatever reason, the taxpayers in Salem, New Hampshire have not provided budgets for their fire department to add the personnel or equipment the ‘chief’ thinks they need.  But,

Now, thanks to a $1.5 million SAFER grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Parisi has been able to add eight new firefighters, increasing each of his four shift rotations from 15 to 17 members.

Salem has added staff for which the feds are only paying 75% for the first two years and 35% for the third. After that, Salem Taxpayers are on the hook for all of it.

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A Model for the Rest of New Hampshire

Tonight, the Rochester City Council voted against joining The Granite State Futures program, which is New Hampshire’s implementation of Barack Obama’s Sustainable Communities Initiative.

A few weeks ago, about 50 people (from Rochester and many surrounding communities) showed up at a City Council workshop to voice their opinion against this program, which includes an approximate $30,000 planning grant.  It wasn’t until tonight’s vote that someone showed up to speak in favor of the program – Regional HUD representative (and Republican), Greg Carson, who was ill during the night of the workshop.

At least 70 people showed up tonight for the vote.

In these economic times, grant money like this is tempting for cities and towns that are likely in financial straits.  But Rochester has accepted Federal grant money in the past and got burned; they apparently heard the warnings from the public, and gave sufficient weight to prior experience.

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