Here’s Our Message to the Executive Council Following Wednesday’s Meeting

This is the letter we emailed this evening to the Executive Council following their postponement of the vote on $27 million in grant monies on Wednesday. We expect them to vote on the matter on Wednesday, Oct. 13 at their 10 a.m. meeting, and we would suggest that you use our language as an example and send your own message to the councilors.

Here’s our letter:

Dear Councilors:

We are writing as the executive board of RebuildNH to urge your rejection of the combined $27 million in grants for the purpose of propaganda and implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination system and the vaccination registry. Accepting these funds would force New Hampshire to comply with the following untenable requirements as stated in the contract:

    • “Comply with existing and/or future directives and guidance from the Secretary regarding control of the spread of Covid-19,”
    • “In consultation and coordination with HHS, provide commensurate with the condition of the individual COVID-19 patient care regardless of the individual’s home jurisdiction and/or appropriate public health measures (e.g., social distancing, home isolation); and,”
    • “Assist the U.S. Government in the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation.”
    • “Further, consistent with the full scope of applicable grant regulations … the recipient is expected to provide to CDC copies of and/or access to COVID-19 data collected with these funds, including but not limited to data related to COVID-19 testing. CDC will specify in further guidance and directives what is encompassed by this requirement.”

According to the very clear language in these terms, any reasonable person can see that accepting this money cedes Constitutional state authority to the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. Not only that, the terms of this contract violate Part 1, Article 2B of the N.H. Constitution, which protects the privacy rights of N.H. residents, including their private medical information.

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It is critical for you to understand that New Hampshire cannot commit to a contract in which the state will not keep the terms and conditions and violates the state’s own state Constitution. If there are contracts in force that already commit us to these terms and we have no intention of abiding by them and in fact have already broken them, we must reverse course. Anything less is dishonest, fraudulent, and unlawful.

While we understand that other states may have accepted this contract, it is important to note that we do not have to be like other states. Our autonomy is important, and our freedom is critical. Our state is in a great position to set an example of how a hands-off government creates better outcomes for free adults who make their own informed choices.

We expected you to vote these items down at your meeting on Sept. 29, and were disappointed that you did not have that opportunity. We insist that you vote these grants down at your next meeting without hesitation.


Andrew J. Manuse, chairman
Melissa Blasek, executive director
JR Hoell, secretary/treasurer
Carolyn McKinney, grassroots coordinator
Leah Cushman, board member
Thomas McLeod, board member

P.O. Box 7
East Derry, NH 03041

Links to contracts in question:

EMAIL the EC and tell them to vote NO on #9B and #9D. Please copy and paste these email addresses into the “to” field in your email client. The links below do not work for some recipients:

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