Planned Parenthood Gets a Half-Million in Federal Grants, Shutters Six Facilities

On January 21,  the NH federal delegation announced a half-million-dollar federal “Title X Dire Need Grant” for Planned Parenthood Northern New England (PPNNE) which encompasses Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. On February 7, PPNNE announced the closure of their Newport, Vermont facility.

On May 13, they announced the closure of four more facilities in Vermont in Bennington, Hyde Park, Middlebury, and St. Albans, and a facility in Claremont, New Hampshire.

For an investment of $500,000, taxpayers got six closed Planned Parenthood facilities. That is $83,333 per closed facility.

PPNNE has been without a CEO since April 2021. Their business of killing off the next generation in abortions and sterilizing young people as young as 16-years-old with cross-sex hormones is bearing predictable results with Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire being states with the highest median age in the country.

Related: Planned Parenthood Northern New England Is in Disarray

Fewer young people means fewer abortions, their big money maker. Expect to see more facility closures in the near future.


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