Chris Sununu Rescinds 145 Past Executive Orders

Before the door hits him in the ass, on the way out, Governor Chris Sununu issued an executive order rescinding 145 past executive orders going as far back as 2003. The list included several of his own, including nineteen from 2020 and 11 from 2021 (where we’ll likely find the pandemic-era Flununu flinch Emergency Orders). … Read more

US Constitution FI

Constitutional Crimes

Americans have been very lax with their Blessings. In a country that offers so much, how is it that we take it all for granted without caring to ensure its operational integrity? No wonder that today, we are on the precipice of joining the rest of the third-world inhabitants!

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A King’s Heavy Hand

“Take the shot or STARVE TO DEATH!” It comes to us from the moral high ground of the Left, or what passes “the obey or else” Marxist philosophy popular in DC these days.

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Gov Chris Sununu

Constitutional State of Emergency: Couldn’t the Gov. Just Sign an EO and Make Vaccine Mandates and Passports “Illegal”?

If it’s not a stretch to decide who’s business is essential, and whose is not, this seems like a no-brainer. Every citizen’s liberty is essential, so no vaccine passports or mandates. Just write it up and sign it.

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Sun King Sununu

Group Wants Offshore Wind Investment Mandated by Executive Order

If a governor can issue an order to declare a business essential or unessential, why not energy? Why not this? “Petition Asks Sununu For Exec. Order Telling N.H. Utilities To Invest In Offshore Wind Energy.”

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Disqus Doodlings – Do We Really Want Joe Biden in Charge of Setting Industrial Policy?

Just unbelievable. Over at Treehugger (naturally), there’s a post “Biden and Automakers Agree on 50% EVs by 2030—Are the Regulations Tough Enough?

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NH House Committee Passes Bill Nullifying Biden Gun Control Executive Orders

Today, the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee took a bold step in protecting New Hampshire’s strong history of embracing the Second Amendment.

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SIG SB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace

Breaking: Biden issues Exec Orders on Gun Control; I’m Underwhelmed.

Well, remember, Biden did say that he was going to take our AR-15s away from us and promised that Beto (the Fake Mexican) O’Rourke (who also said that) as his gun control czar. And that held be rolling on this issue on Day One.

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WH 404

Quick Note: Dead Links to President Trump’s Executive Orders

If you come across a story on our pages about one of Donald Trump’s many executive orders, the link may not work. They are all broken. When you click them, you land on a 404 Page Not Found error.

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More Royal Decrees for Sununu’s Long Emergency

Sununu is at it again, issuing yet more of his unconstitutional Royal Decrees. In the 51 weeks (so far) of his Long Emergency, he’s signed 86 Emergency Orders and 28 Executive Orders. Here are the latest two.

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Kerry Prepping Harris For Going to WV

Biden’s Green Job Dreams All Stop and Start In China

Michael Regan is Biden’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He is acknowledging the administration’s green energy agenda enriches China. You can’t fix stupid, as Ron White observes.

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Biden stack of Executive Orders

Joe Biden: “If you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator.”

Joe Biden has set a new record. In the first five days of his ‘tenure’ as President, he has signed more executive orders than any president in history.

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Biden Elected King

Quick Thought: Another Indication That We Are Moving to Electing Kings Than Having a Republic

Of all places, I found a PDF over at Watts Up With That which is the largest climate site in the world that outlines what President Asterisk’s first orders of business.

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CARES Act 2020

Notable Quote – So easily given up?

To repeat: This extraordinary menace may well require an extraordinary response. Yet a month ago, could anyone have imagined that we would see the complete cessation of all church and synagogue worship in the United States? Or a total halt to citizens’ First Amendment right “peaceably to assemble and to petition the government”? Or the … Read more

Donald Trump EO UN Small Arms Treaty

Trump Signs EO to Pull US out of UN Small Arms Treaty – Live, During a Speech to the NRA

If you didn’t hear liberals snapping like twigs it might be because the applause was so loud. President Trump, while addressing a huge crowd at an NRA event, made more than an announcement. He is asking the Senate to discontinue the UN Small Arms Treaty ratification process. To return the rejected treaty to the Oval … Read more

smirking trump

Why Is Mr. Trump Suggesting an Executive Order on Birthright Citizenship Now?

The sky-is-falling news of the moment comes courtesy of Mr. Trump suggesting he can and will issues an Executive order ending birthright citizenship. Why? Because there are many learned legal scholars who believe it was never the intention of the 14th amendment? Because it is a hot issue that activates Trump’s base and immigration reform polls … Read more

Smartest President Ever…Part 3

King of executive orders, master of spending and debt, willing to by-pass congress if he has too….but no power to decide what spending increases get cut from his own Sequester bill.

I was going to do this – but the Everlasting Phelps did a pretty good job…

The Everlasting Phelps is a new blog to me and had a bit of a commentary on Obama’s Executive Orders – all 23 of them.  I have some concerns about some of the Exec Orders  (as in, is there any authorization in real law to substantiate the claim to do this, or is this  simply yet another example of “Obama being Obama” (or more bluntly put “The Rule of Man via Monarchical Decrees / The Law of the Strong Man”)).  Anyways, Everlasting Phelps has a quick reposte that matched my first reactions as well:

  • Tell the government to follow the law.
  • Tell the regulators to stop the stupid and useless regulations.
  • Pay the states back for the unfunded mandates that the Feds keeps making.
  • Tell the Attorney General to do his job.
  • Start another unfunded mandate. (See #3.)
  • Tell FDLs how to do something no one is ever going to bother to do.
  • Do the same thing the NRA already does, only half as well at twice the cost.
  • Do what Underwriters Laboratories already does, only half as well at twice the cost.
  • Tell the Feds to do their jobs.
  • Tell the DOJ to do its job.
  • Tell myself to do my job.
  • Spend more money.
  • Tell everyone to do their goddamned jobs.
  • Tell the doctors to figure out why it isn’t the feds’ fault that they aren’t doing their jobs.
  • Figure out a way to push “smart guns” that don’t exist and wouldn’t be useful as guns if they did.
  • Tell everyone that Obamacare doesn’t actually mean what it says.
  • Tell everyone that, seriously, Obamacare doesn’t actually mean that. We had to pass it to find out what was in it, after all.
  • Tell everyone that I’ve been a partisan hack for the last month every time I said the NRA was crazy to want to post more cops in schools.
  • Do the same thing that every police agency in the country has already done, only half as well and at ten times the cost.
  • Tell doctors what they already know.
  • Tell people what the parts of Obamacare that don’t say anything say.
  • Tell HHS to do their job.
  • Hand the rest of the job of telling everyone to do their jobs off to someone else so it is no longer my job.

Here’s the list but with the Exec. Orders with them:

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Citizens! Obey your federal overlords!

Professor Glenn Reynolds calls it correctly: “Gun control is a way of rubbing Middle America’s face in the fact that it doesn’t run things. That’s the actual appeal” Mark Levin does as well calling Obama’s executive orders “un-American,” “fascistic’…  

Storm Troopers

H/T The Looking Spoon

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