Do Americans Prefer Equalizing Outcome or Opportunity in 2024?

The American Dream was built on a promise of equality – a promise of equality in terms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. During the 2024 election, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are both working overtime to say why Republicans or Democrats are better on the equality issue. But what kind of equality? Harris … Read more

when they raise the minimum wage

Social Justice Failure: Workers AREN’T Equal

This is one of the basic economic ideas of the Left: reparations and retribution. And they never, EVER care about the results of their policies.

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Woke is Maoism with American Characteristics”

What is Woke? What is Equity? I can tell you for certain that neither of those terms includes the traditional American ideals of meritocracy, equality before the Law, and equal opportunity—YOU get to decide how far in Life you can go and what you can achieve. Woke and Equity are Marxist foundational concepts that are antithetical to our norms.

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Night Cap: Wither Goes the Office of Racial Equity?

In my last article, I noted that back in February 2023, the Director of Racial Equity, Xusana Davis, warned in testimony that the Clean Heat Standard in its then-current form was not an equitable piece of legislation, listed a number of problems with the bill, and hasn’t been heard from since.

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Bananas Guide to Joining A Cult

It’s been said “if you’re not in a cult by now you’re crazy”.  The chances are you’re already in one and don’t even know it, which is the sign of a well-run cult, so congratulations. Most people wouldn’t stick around in a cult if in fact they knew they had been hoodwinked into involuntary membership.

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Bananas Exclusive: Gay Resignation Letter

Dear Members of the Harvard Community,

Four score and seven semesters ago, our board brought forth on this great campus a new leader conceived in equity and dedicated to the proposition that all women are to be believed – unless they are black, apparently.

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Embrace the Left’s Worldview or You Are Worse Than the Enemy

There are several critical points we try to make about the Left’s “victim groups” and the pursuit of progressive one-party rule. First, your special rights designation is temporary. If they  determine you will not do their bidding – expect to be “othered.” And your special status has a shelf life. Once the Left has what it wants, you are garbage to them.

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What do you mean - question

Democrat Words Don’t Mean What You Think …

Like con men everywhere, leftists/Marxists/Democrat leaders (“Democrats”) often use commonly understood benign-sounding words to deceive people.   Examples:

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The Big Lie of DEI

Democrats and the left are a fickle lot. It’s clear they’re determined to keep the country divided using the politics of victimization, but they can’t seem to decide where next to plant their seeds of discontent.

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Kid cant be an indian but an adult man can be a woman Powerline

Transgender “Transitions” Solve Nothing, YouTube Still Censoring, And a Teacher Stands up for Biology – Stack of Stuff #44

Fast and furious, it continues. More stories/snippets of what’s ailing our education system and the children placed within it.  First up, a realization that the social contagion that is affecting our young ones with the activists message of “a live trans boy or a dead daughter” isn’t holding as much water as they would have … Read more

Vermont Principal’s Association Not Interested In Actual Diversity

The Vermont Principal’s Association handed Mid Vermont Christian School a school wide disqualification from all VPA sponsored events on Monday.  This decision was made by the board “unanimously” 15-0 after allowing their “stakeholders” to comment VPA assistant executive director Lauren Thomas told the Valley News. I reached out to the VPA directly yesterday to offer my … Read more

NH Commissioner of Education Frank Edleblut2 - NH Dept of Ed pic

An Open Letter … Challenge Actually … To Frank Edleblut … Show Me The Money

Dear Frank … I would like to know what percentage of every dollar spent on education goes to Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, that lovely euphemism for “identity”-based socialism. Can you direct me to the pie chart on your website that shows a detailed breakdown of how all the money … and we sure do spend a lot on … Read more

dear trans community

Dems+Kids+Pornography, Govt Schools Can’t Teach Math, NH School Choice, and More! – Stack of Stuff #39

It’s been over a month since my last edition and a lot of stuff has been stacking up – and fast!  So, let’s get started! Pornography is in our Public / Government Schools – that is incontrovertibly true.  I sent out a number of Right To Knows here in NH (gotta restart that investigation!), and … Read more

IS slavery my fault

Blogline of the Day – And It Is Your Government That Is the Oppressor. How Can It Not Be?

I was looking through our archives for mentions of the Frankfurt School, and Antonio Gramsci for my “Disney’s REALLY gone Woke” post, and this popped up from 2016.  While not directly in line, it does approach in a similar fashion because it REQUIRES Government to carry out the action.

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how was school - rainbow vomit

” Johnny Can’t Read or Do Math, but Philanthropists Are Making Sure He Learns ‘Equity’ “

I really have nothing more to add to this article, so I will just post it here in hopes more people read it.  Everyone needs to read this!!

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soccer ball original Photo by Connor Coyne on Unsplash

US Men’s and Women’s New Soccer Winnings “Payout Scheme” Look More Like a Divorce Settlement

Women’s soccer doesn’t attract as many viewers, so they’ve been making less money than men. But thanks to a new deal, the men will need to split their total winnings at the World Cup with a women’s team that never left home.

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1984 movie screen grab hate

Some Vermonters Are More Equal Than Others

Burlington Vermont. Just two words and you know where we are headed. Wingnut-moonbat-progressivism. And what have they done this time? To use public land reserved for gardening, you must swear a loyalty oath to their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion gods.

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Equity is the Death of Excellence

We entrust our children to the American education system for thirteen years, and it may be the most devastating decision of their lives. The department of education is toxic. The last thing they have in mind is the betterment and education of our children.

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Biden-Regime To Distribute Hurricane-Aid Based On Skin Color

You don’t need to take my word for it. Here’s Kamala announcing that federal aid for Hurricane Ian will be distributed based on skin color:

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Hartford High School Hartford VT logo

“Hate” Reported At Hartford High School

Hartford High School Principal Nelson Fogg’s office sent out an email to parents reporting a type of “hate” crime had been committed off campus affecting a Hartford High School student. We don’t know who, what, when, where or why because the report was deliberately vague stating: “We were made aware of a concerning incident that … Read more

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