Bill O'Brien US Senate

The 603 Alliance Endorses Bill O’Brien for US Senate

As the Democrats ramp up for the Presidential primary, we hear progressively louder demands for open borders, socialized health care, and increasingly absurd standards of political correctness. Our current US Senators claim to be centrists but have consistently voted in support of a radical agenda. New Hampshire can do better. This Tuesday, Bill O’Brien is … Read more

Top NH Trump Supporters Join Steve Negron for Congress Team

Negron White BackgroundPress Release

August 2, 2018
Contact: Roger Wilkins, 603-864-8633

Trump New Hampshire Co-Chairman Fred Doucette & Prominent Trump Supporter Bruce Breton Join Team Negron

Nashua, NH – Political heavyweight Fred Doucette of Salem has put his full support behind candidate Steve Negron’s bid to secure New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District nomination.

As a trusted voice to the President, Doucette now seeks to reach his fellow “common sense approach” Trump supporters by letting them know: “Steve Negron has all the necessary tools in the toolbox. He will support our President, as well as make a difference in protecting the values we hold most important as Granite Staters.”

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Steve Negron Announces More Endorsements in CD-2 Primary

July 26, 2018
Contact: Roger Wilkins, 603-864-8633

Former State Senator Dick Ferdinando & Marilyn Huston Endorse Steve Negron for Congress Nashua, NH – Former State Senator Dick Ferdinando & Marilyn Huston endorsed Steve Negron for Congress today in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District.

“President Trump needs conservative outsiders such as Steve Negron to serve in Congress. This country needs a candidate with Steve’s background in national security, immigration reform, military service, and small business experience to lead the President’s agenda at this critical juncture. I endorse Steve for the same mission I endorsed President Trump – to reform Washington’s culture in keeping our country safe and truly Make America Great Again.”

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New Hampshire Conservative Majority Project Endorses Jane Cormier For EC4

thumbs-upI was chatting with New Hampshire Conservative Majority Project Chairman (NHCMP) Kevin McHugh earlier today when he told me that the NHCMP is endorsing Jane Cormier in the Republican Primary for Executive Council District 4.

If you are not familiar, the

NHCMP is a grassroots coalition working to elect principled Republicans who stand for low taxes, individual liberty, free markets, limited government, and most importantly, the U.S. and NH constitutions.

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NHCMP Endorses Eddie Edwards for Congress in NH CD-1

Eddie Edwards on WMURs CLOSEUPBy Kevin McHugh

NH Conservative Majority Project (NHCMP) proudly endorses Eddie Edwards in the CD-1 GOP Primary. Eddie is a principled conservative and strong supporter of individual liberty, low taxes, fiscal responsibility and standing up for our 2nd Amendment rights. As a  Navy veteran, police chief, and successful small business owner, Eddie has the knowledge and real-world experience it takes to make things happen and get results. The hard-working taxpayers of NH’s CD-1 will be well represented with Eddie Edwards as their next Congressman.

Kevin McHugh
NHCMP Chairman”

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Granite Grok Endorses Steve Negron in NH’s Second Congressional District

Steve Negron at WDL 2A Rally
Steve Negron at WDLNH 2A Rally (‘Grok image)

Every election in NH is really a race in three parts: 1) for political activists to serve on campaigns, endorsements, and donors, 2) to win the primary election, and 3) to win the general election. That first race is nearing its end. We at the ‘Grok have been studying the candidates, listening to their words, and reading their campaign materials to evaluate where they stand in OUR eyes.

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Endorsements – Hillsborough 21 (Merrimack)

Steve picks his preferences for the NH House in Merrimack, (Hill Dist 21)The town of Merrimack (Hillsborough District 21) has been my home for 17 years.   And this year Merrimack (still) has eight house seats but ten Republican candidates running to fill them.   As a Conservative I feel compelled to select the eight who I feel will best represent the New Hampshire Republican Platform and the interest of my town and State as I view them.

So I’m no different than the rest of you, except that I may be paying a little bit more attention (maybe), I vote principle before party–though I will not bite off my own nose to spite my face, and my soap-box…well, it is just a little bit big bigger than that of the average voter.

So these are my personal endorsements for Hills-21, though I can assure you that my A-Team picks are all GranitGrok Worthy.

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Whose War On Women?

by Tom


Yesterday, Steve wrote about William Jefferson Clinton coming to Nashua to endorse Maggie Hassan.  In it, he showed Andrew Hemingway’s 4RG video of the endorsement, where Clinton messed up and used Jackie Cilley’s last name (the other candidate!).  There is simply no good explanation or excuse for this.

Democrats around the state are now trumpeting the magnificence of Hassan and her campaign, what with a former President swinging (driving) by to heap praise on their candidate.  You’ve gotta feel bad for these people, grinning through a grimace, being real troopers, in spite of this embarrassing display of Presidential pretension and blunder.  All that effort and they can only show still photos of the event – no audio – no video!

Well, let me make it hurt some more.

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Gordon Humphrey Endorses Ovide Lamontagne…

by Tom

According to this release, Senator Gordon Humphrey has fully endorsed Ovide Lamontagne for US Senate. Senator Humphrey is the only person to serve in the US Senate, then return to NH and serve as a State Senator.  It is also notable that he voted against the Federal Budget every time, during his US Senate service, … Read more

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