Personal Endorsement: Steve Negron for Congress in CD-2

A few months ago GraniteGrok as a website, endorsed Steve Negron for Congress. Today, I’d like to endorse Steve personally.

There is no other Republican running in the primary for Congressional District 2 in New Hampshire (NH CD-2) more qualified to replace Democrat Ann Kuster than Steve Negron.


My readers are familiar with the problem of immigration reform as I see it. It’s about border security and national security. Bad border policy begets crime, narco-terrorism, the opioid epidemic and every cost that comes with that. We can’t send just any Republican to sit at that table.

We need a solid conservative who can speak with conviction on the issue. Steve Negron is the only candidate in this race who truly understands both sides of that issue because his family lives on both sides of this issue.

His relatives were legal immigrants who came to America and worked hard. Served their country. Became Americans. He also has relatives who are citizens of Latin America and if they want to come here and become citizens they’ll have to follow the law. Steve will expect nothing less. That’s the guy you want working on this issue.



There are more veterans running for office these days than ever. And while I appreciate everyone’s service whether in uniform or working with our men and women in uniform, veterans issues are not just about hospitals or benefits or combat or where you served. Yes, those things matter, but veterans issues are also about community and family issues. Steve Negron’s family has more than 100 years of combined service in the United States Military. Parents, Father-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews, wives, sisters, and children, across decades, theaters, multiple branches of the service, in peace and in war. If you are looking for someone with the widest possible understanding of the issues veterans and their families face, no one in this race can compete with Steve Negron.


The Economy

On taxes, spending, and the economy Steve has a record of not just talking about defending taxpayers, he’s actually done it. As a New Hampshire House Rep. from Nashua, he stood up to his own party leadership in Concord to help broker a better budget deal. He fought for less spending, lower taxes, and local control. Is there a Republican who doesn’t think we need that in Washington? We should send someone who has done it.


A commitment to state’s rights and individual rights

Steve is good on guns which is a casual way of saying when it comes to the second amendment Steve doesn’t just say the right things to the right people he has the convictions and the votes to back that up.

He’s a minority small business owner. He understands the free market, profit and loss, payroll, and the burden taxes and regulation place on families and job creators. He also understands both sides of the bureaucracy, having had to work from within in (during his service) and from outside of it (as a small business owner).

He believes in New Hampshire values, local control, American exceptionalism, and the sanctity of life. That it’s your money and that it makes more sense to find ways to leave it here in the state in the first place than gin up crafty ways in Congress to get some of it back.

He’d like to go to Washington DC to work on that and I think it is in your best interest, the best interest of our state, and our nation, to send him there.

That’s why I’m personally endorsing Steve Negron for Congress in NH CD2.

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