
Joe Biden Abandons Another American

Major Biden has been booted from the White House. No, Joe Biden didn’t give himself a military rank. Former vice president Joe Biden is a known liar, plagiarist, and serial fabulist, but Major Biden is the dog. The dog that Joe Biden has now abandoned. Donald Trump had more negative press for not having a dog than Joe Biden will get for ditching his dog.

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And God Reaches Down to Touch a Little Girl’s Heart

I got this email forwarded from an old friend; a High School classmate. It touched my heart so wanted to share. Not sure the origin so just taking it as-is. Our 14 yo dog Abbey died last month. The day she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she … Read more

Angry Coronavirus dogs FI

Yep, two Coronavirus dogs are protesting

by Skip

Yeah, I can feel their pain as one discredited Democrat leader used to say. Imagine that – even dogs have feelings and routines and hate to have them disturbed. Especially if they’ve been used to having the run of the house during the day when their masters / owners are now home all day long: … Read more

HB1389 – Animal Cruelty Bill: an Amendment

by Skip

Steve had first posted on NH State Rep Katherine “I assault senior women” Rogers HB1389 mandate on how We The People MUST treat our dogs. No exceptions – just like with guns. I also posted up on this as well here. Frankly, I think she’s one of those extreme Animal Rights Social Justice Warriors – … Read more

Real men carry dogs. Translation:

by Skip

They do their job and then they come back and lick your face for a job well done!  All they ever ask for is a good belly rub. (H/T: Powerline)

Dogs and Guns and Democrats…Oh My!

People who are unfamiliar with dogs or have never owned one, are more likely to be intimidated or even afraid of them.   While people who are familiar with dogs, grew up with them or own a dog, understand them, know how to read their signals, and have the sense to have some respect for what they are capable of, particularly when they meet one they are not familiar with.

Guns are the same way.  People who are unfamiliar or who have never handled or owned a gun are intimidated,  wary, even frightened of them.  While lawful gun owners, hunters, sport shooters, and  folks who feel the need to own a gun for self defense are more likely to understand them, and have the sense to have some respect for what any gun is capable of particularly when they are introduced to one they are not familiar with.

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