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Why Are The Republican Presidential Debates So Bad?

On November 8, most of the Republicans still in the race for the party’s 2024 nomination gather in Miami for the third GOP presidential debate, hosted by NBC in partnership with Rumble, a Canada-based online media platform. We’ll pause for a moment for station identification while you ask yourself, “Why?” The previous debates had all … Read more

Empty Chair allec-gomes-9xpnmt41NKM-unsplash

The Debates Showed Why They Don’t Debate

Tuesday night was the equivalent of the MLB playoffs and just as one-sided. The Democrats lost ground and made it clear why they have been avoiding the debate stage in every critical race across the country. Republicans pushed for more than one debate in every race earlier in the process but met incredible resistance.

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WMUR News 9

New Hampshire Channel Neun!

What is this I hear? Channel 9 is going to televise the NH’s Democrat Socialist’s gubernatorial debate on their little station but no Republican gubernatorial debate.

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Urgent Versus Important

Will reality have any real effect on political debate?

The conservative/liberal debate is interesting because both terms are undefined. It’s healthy to have this debate. But what exactly is the debate today? The terms have any meaning anyone wants to assign them, any time they feel like using them. Which is to say, they are utterly useless except as pejoratives.

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GrokDebates – yes, we want to do them. We ARE going to do them going forward

Over the years, GraniteGrok has made it part of our Citizen Journalism to cover debates.  One reason is that we like listening (and critiquing) who was there, what was said, and to determine their political philosophies with respect to the NH Constitution, US Constitution, and to date, the NH GOP. We did debates, and covered them in unique ways, that the mainstream press just couldn’t or wouldn’t.  Part of the later is either just a lack of time (on TV News) or space (newspaper “inches” or word counts.  We, on the other hand, have neither limitation.

We also covered debates that they didn’t – they (and often the NH GOP) are only interested in the top of the ticket races: Governor, US Congress, US Senate.  The other races?

Pound sand.  Well, no longer. I’ve been yakking about taking GraniteGrok to the “next” level – debates will be part of that.  While we will still cover other folks’ debates, we believe it is time to do our own.  And we shall.

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Marco and Nikki, Sitting in a Tree…

Marco skipped out on a Conservative conference to pal around with his newest convert, Nikki Haley, who is positioning herself to be Rubio’s VP. We also talked about the RNC’s  tolerance (blame Steve Duprey) for moderators who hate their candidates, vote fraud, a primary for Kelly Ayotte, and does she have a shot just a … Read more

December 19th, 2015

In our last live broadcast of 2015 we talk anti-gun groups, an energy paradox, Debates,Democrats Redistributing Democrat Data, Republican scheming, Budgets and spending, Immigration, and the latest in news, politics, and culture from New live shows begin Jan 9th, 2016  

“Point, Romney.”

Mitt Romney - Candidate for President - but is he a racist for running
Well, well, well....Mitt surprises us with his performance.

First the good. Obama’s leg-humping poodles in the mainstream media said “Romney abandoned the Tea Party!” That was of course typical MSM biased BS. On the contrary, Romney didn’t abandon the forceful Tea Party ideals at all. And that’s important. Here’s why….

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