13 Questions for Colin and Becky

President Joe Biden seldom takes any questions. That frustrates reporters, pundits, allies, and voters. It is what it is. And it’s unfortunate. But whenever Biden speaks, voters are reminded of his diminishing mental competency.

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New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Update: Bill Gardner Re-elected Secretary of State

Update, 3:25 p.m.: Secretary of State Bill Gardner has been re-elected to another term by the New Hampshire House and Senate. Gardner prevailed over Colin Van Ostern 209-205, with one “scatter” vote. With 415 legislators present and voting (House and Senate combined), 208 votes were needed for victory. Vote was by secret ballot. 

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New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Gardner v. CVO: No Decision on First Ballot

(Update: second ballot resulted in a Gardner victory.) In the first ballot by House and Senate members for New Hampshire Secretary of State this afternoon, with 209 votes needed to win, Sec. of State Bill Gardner got 208 votes to Colin Van Ostern’s 207. One vote was “scattered,” and with a secret ballot, there’s no … Read more


NH Secretary of State – Dems are proving that if you cross them, they will destroy you.

by Skip

“It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”

-Joseph Stalin (apocryphally)

December fifth is another election here in NH but to one in which none of us “regular” people get to cast a vote: the important Secretary of State.  Important office – it is responsible for not only the business side of the State (company formations, reporting forms, and the like) as well as the election side (thus, the quote above). In addition, it has been Bill Gardner that has ensured that the NH First In The Nation Primary has stayed exactly that. However, it is that middle part, about elections, that is of most concern here at this time. However, this is an election that is the sole prerogative of our State Legislators – both the NH House Representatives and the NH State Senators.  They, and they alone, vote on the candidates.  This year, for the first time in a long time, there is a rival to Bill Gardner – a craven, self-serving Democrat Colin Van Ostern who decided that this was prime time to go full Political Opportunist and had $250K to spend campaigning for the office.

No one, except Van Ostern,  has faulted Bill Gardner on anything that he has done on the job (in fact, even Ray Buckley, NH Dem Chair, has praised him in the past on his FITN ceaseless work UNTIL he transgressed two Major Pillars of the NH Democrat Party:

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170 116 year olds and now 588 “new” ballots. What’s going on in Prez Wannabe John Kasich’s Ohio?

by Skip

Steve’s post should make eyebrows grow in height.  This should make your head go side-to-side as we’ve seen this too many times before:

Ohio race just got closer after county finds hundreds of uncounted votes

The tight race between Democrat Danny O’Connor and Republican Troy Balderson just got tighter.  Election officials in Franklin County found 588 previously uncounted votes in a Columbus suburb. The result: O’Connor had a net gain of 190 votes, bringing the race’s margin down to 1,564. “The votes from a portion of one voting location had not been processed into the tabulation system,” according to a Franklin County Board of Elections news release.

Shades of the Minnesota race a few years back when now disgraced (and unfunny comic) Al Franken won his race due to three items:

  • George Soro’s S.O.S. (Secretary of State) Project that gave millions to Progressive Democrats to win those positions (MN SecState Dem won his before the Franken votes)

Sidenote: Is Colin Van Ostern getting money from a reconstituted / similar project here in NH  If so, how “fair” would close elections be?

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