doll broken cracked face Photo by Aimee Vogelsang on Unsplash

The System Isn’t Broken, We Are!

The other day I heard someone say, “our system of government is broken,” and then they went on to point to corrupt politicians who continue to ignore what the people want in favor of special interests or bad ideology, which have been in Washington for decades.

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The Antidote is to vote Pixabay bluebudgie

“Hello Candidate! What is the Purpose of Government?”

by Skip

Well, it’s not EXACTLY phrased like my favorite question of “What is the Proper Role of Government?” but close enough.  This set of questions for elected official wannabees is spot on. Hello candidate! POLICY QUESTIONS 1 – If you are elected to the office you seek: a) what laws will you repeal; b) what taxes … Read more

Reopen NH Save Livlihoods

ReOpenNH Announces Second Round of Endorsed Candidates

EAST DERRY, N.H. – As Gov. Chris Sununu digs in his heels by continuing emergency orders when there is no longer an emergency, ReopenNH announces a second round of endorsed candidates who are prepared to replace the current do-nothing lawmakers who are allowing the governor’s edicts to circumvent the rule of law.

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Do you know what this is?

by Skip

NH Declaration of Candidacy page 1 4

Yep – that yellow thing is the paperwork you’d fill out at the office of the NH Secretary of State, Bill Gardner, located on the second floor in the State Capital building in Concord, if you were to run for state or county wide offices (but not the House of Representatives).  There are slots still open all over the place (literally!) for good Conservative / small government / less taxing / less intrusive candidates (you know, not Andru Volinsky types) to sign up – you’ve got until the fifteenth of this month to do so (4pm).

So, if you ever wanted to light up a Liberal (no, not the visage on their faces – those might get VERY dark in your general direction) in the best way possible, sign up with a lovely grin on your face.  Hey, it might even have the same effect on an establishment GOPe-er as well!  See – fun!

Heh!  When I brought it home, TMEW immediately

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