If Bill Weld is appealing to the NeverTrumper wing of the GOP…

by Skip

…he may get it with this: Weld, in a statement, responded, “I am happy to tell her what millions of her own party are thinking. ‘This guy’ has been the most destructive and divisive president in the history of our nation. ‘This guy’ has demeaned Americans from every walk of life, including women, the disabled … Read more

Bill Weld

NHGOP Chair on Bill Weld- Someone who endorsed Obama and Clinton for President needs to think about how welcome he is in the Republican Party.

Steve Stepanek, the new Chairman of the New Hampshire State Republican Party issued a press release today. He wants to know how the former Republican Massachusetts governor (and former libertarian VP candidate) who endorsed Liberal Democrats for President (three elections in a row) expects to get support from the Republican party? NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek Statement … Read more

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