Bill Weld Asks New Hampshire Democrats to Vote for Him in the Primary

The Boston Herald reports that candidate Bill Weld (Party affiliation in transition) wants New Hampshire Democrats to vote for him. Maybe Bill should register on the Democrat Ballot.

New Hampshire has plenty of Jeb Bush/John Kasich Democrats Republicans and “Republicans” for Jeanne Shaheen. I’m sure they make up the majority of his current base. So, there must be a few Democrats out there willing to cast a vote for Weld.

And you’re guaranteed to miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. So, why not?

And ask he has (subscription may be required).

But why would they? Given the crowded field and just a few months until the primary. Sure, Warrenberniebiden top the heap, but a decent showing by a lower-tier candidate could help them build the momentum needed to compete for a nomination. Why vote for the guy you’d have to beat in the general when there are plenty of actual Democrats from which to choose.

Weld is a moderate Democrat. Sure, he’s running in this race as a Republican, but that doesn’t mean anything. And so what if his only attractive feature as a candidate is that he is not Trump; if that’s how you pick your world leaders.  And that he can’t possibly beat any of the Democrats were he to win the nomination. Which he has no hope of winning.

Take a chance! After all, you’re leftists. You believe that a government that has total power will not devolve into a police state tyranny. That with enough of other people’s money, the State can change the intensity of the sun or the tilt of the earth to prevent warming (or cooling) or whatever. And that a party that thinks nothing of killing babies at birth will never have the same indifference to killing anyone else at any point for any reason.

That makes you the perfect voter for a Bill Weld Presidency.

So, by all means Democrats, vote for Bill Weld. He’s your guy!

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