Donald Trump Has 84% Favorability Rating Among Republicans in Recent NH Poll

A recent UNH/CNN poll shows President Trump with an 84% favorability rating among New Hampshire Republicans. His “republican” challenger, Bill Weld, currently has a favorability rating of 14%.

UNH CNN Poll GOP Favorability

When it comes to whether Republicans have decided on a candidate to vote for in the First in the Nation Primary, 53% have decided, 12% are leaning, with 35 still not sure. 

UNH CNN Poll GOP Deciding

A majority of those surveyed did say they wanted there to be a Republican Primary (47%) with 39% saying he should be able to run unopposed. 13% did not know or were unsure.

When asked to compare Donald Trump to past Presidents 70% said he was above average or one of the best Presidents. 18% said he was average, 6% below average, with 5% saying he was the worst. Only 2% didn’t express an opinion either way.

UNH CNN Poll GOP Compare Trump
If the primary were held today the President would win 86% to 7% with 2% other and 5% undecided.

This poll was directed primarily (ha!) at Democrat candidate favorability and likeability (in much greater detail). If you are interested you can dig into that here.  Or in the embedded copy below.

UNH CNN Poll July 2019
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