Data Point – Two-Tiered Justice System and Government Is Rigged against Ordinary Citizens

I’ve been posting other Data Points that we ordinary folk are losing Trust in our institutions (both private and public). Now, it is blatant.  From the Trafalgar Group: (click to embiggen) If you go to the link, you’ll see that this is an “overall” take. If you look at the Republican, Democrat, and Independents’ take … Read more

homelessness pexels photo by mart production-8078408

Vermont Spends Hundreds of Millions – The Problem Got Worse

Throwing money at problems that get worse might suggest to some that the problem isn’t money but not Democrats. First, it’s not their money, so why would that matter? Second, the cash enlarges government and state power which is why they spend it. What, you thought they cared?

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Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skip’s Sauntering Snippet #9-Whose Fault Is the Great Baby Formula Shortage (Hint: It Ain’t Putin)? Plus, FDA to Be Investigated!

Yes, I’m going backwards – that’s what happens, as I’m finding out, that when you record a number of stream-of-consciousness thoughts because you had WAY too much time in the car, sometimes current events overrun your planning.  Like it did with the Baby Formula – which is now back in the news as the FDA, … Read more


Vermont Wants Department of Ed to Police School Mascots, Team Names, and Logos

When you know better, you just do, and failing to use that power is an injustice. It is your job to tell everyone else what everything is, or means, what they should do, and how to do it. Even what to say and not. And the more Democrats there are in your government, the more it thinks this way.

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woman plastic bubble wrap original Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

Worry Over Climate Change is Causing … Eating Disorders

The climate changes but the political movement that seeks to address climate change couldn’t care less. They can’t predict it and even if it were real could never do a thing about it. But they can and do scare the crap out of people which is the only true goal.

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Should the Government - Nope

He’s a Fool for Believing Government Is (Or Can?) Be Coherent

I had a really good laugh at one of the Daily Sun’s Letters to the Editor. They are complaining that NH’s Government doesn’t have a “rational and consistent energy strategy.” This translates to “a strategy that I believe is the ONLY one we should have – but don’t.”

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Should the Government - Nope

Notable Quote – We’ve gone the wrong direction; REALLY wrong!

Somewhere along the way we lost our conviction that the best government was self-government. In our enthusiasm for turning over every social problem to the administrative bureaucracy for solution, we forgot that democracy is based on the maxim that the solution of the problem of social life is the business of the people themselves. Neither … Read more

progressivism delenda est - notice j

In Biden’s America, Americans Should Go Where They’re Treated Best

With President Biden’s approval rating down to 36 percent, he is now more unpopular than his two predecessors ever were in office. But, beyond politics, the very idea of America is losing luster.

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Should the Government - Nope

We Americans Used to Not Need Much Government but Progressives Screwed Us Over

“Here in America you can see how slightly a people needs to be governed… Here are governments, but no rulers – governors, but they are clerks.

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norms-clipart-5 Clipground

Notable Quote – Social Justice mob deciding? Or you for yourself?

It might indeed be said that the main difference between the order of society at which classical liberalism aimed and the sort of society into which it is now being transformed is that the former was governed by principles of just individual conduct while the new society is to satisfy the demands for ‘social justice’

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Free Speech Conditions apply Flickr Creative Commons

City Censorship

Censorship takes many forms.  It has even woven its web of deception into our city government and specifically our elections.  The current trend to curtail free speech and with that ever-important flow of information has, as usual, been wrapped up in a blanket of virtue and sold to the people of Laconia as the only proper way to have elections for the good of the city.

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DISQUS Doodlings – I Stand Alone

GraniteGrok is about Freedom and Liberty, and we are ALWAYS advocating for Freedom and Liberty. After all, the other side is ALWAYS in Missionary mode to have Government “do” more and that you and I need to “let go” of those freedoms (e.g., Fauci, who just said that we shouldn’t be so concerned with it).

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Gerald Ford Big Government take stuff

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.” Again

That was President Gerry Ford back in 1974; the quote’s attribution goes back much earlier. The Bigger the Government, the smaller the Citizen.  We on the Right understand that and understand that completely. The further that the Power of Control is removed from Citizens geographically, our Rights suffer. Why? They can ignore us. They can do what … Read more

Drought and rain

Drought Fearmongering vs. Tropical Storm Fearmongering – Fight!

No matter what you call it, the climate cult is worried about warming. The accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere as a crisis is second only to the government’s need to accumulate the wealth of others to “address it.”

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Data Point – And the Left is ALWAYS Yammering about “Sustainability”?

It is clear that Karl Marx’s mantra “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” applies well to “wealth transfers.” Starting with Social Security under FDR, our Republic has turned into the “take from one to give to another” society.

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Kroger grocery store

First “Wrong” Beach, Now ‘Lost’ Angeles: Kroger Closing More Stores Due to Govt Mandated Price Hikes

California is a great place to do business if that business is going out of business. First, we had the story from Long Beach where an additional (mandated $4/hour) “Hero Pay” forced grocery chain, Kroger, to close two stores.  Now it’s Los Angeles.

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blood letting

Promoted from the Comments – Teacher Currie has Clue Zero About “Compare and Contrast”

Grokster Ian had a short but apt comparison of schools vs doctors over time as an Object Lesson: School Funding: A lot changes in a century, except in schools. I liked it and the entire text is here (yes, it’s that short; reformatted, emphasis mine).

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Watermarked Ballots: If This Is Real – What’s Holding Them Back?

I see how Dr. Steve Pieczenik and Tony Shaffer support each other (regarding the questionable blockchain marked ballot idea). Yet I fail to see anything happening that’s concrete. Until I actually do see something concrete – color me skeptical.

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NH Wood Flag

The Horrible Legacy of NH Democrats

If you spent only 5 minutes looking at the recent voting record of New Hampshire Democrats, you would be appalled. Presuming you are a sensible person with a healthy level of common sense. Today’s Democrat Party has become the party of big, intrusive government, open borders and fraudulent elections – not to mention their tacit … Read more

SS crowding out private savings

I’ve Always Said that Govt has Crowded out or Co-Opted Charities…

I’ve always said that Govt has crowded out or co-opted charities but I don’t think I’ve ever written about it in terms of retirement. Thought about it, never wrote about it. Glad Michael Strain did.

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