HUnter Biden - Image Credit Marco Polo

Why Shouldn’t You Trust the Government?

Most of you know any number of reasons, dozens, scores, innumerable, perhaps for distrusting the government, and it grows almost daily. You know enough, and we don’t want to turn off first-time readers – or relatively new lurkers – with the fire hose. No, this ‘Why’ is one why, but it’s a big one with lots of tentacles.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Night Cap: How Did the U.S. Government Become So Big?

How big is the federal government? Two measures are the number of civilian employees (nearly two million) and the number of agencies (now exceeding 440). These numbers barely hint at their massive meddling into business activities and the personal lives of Americans.

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hand mirror face refelction contemplation addiction by Amine M pexels jpeg

Point That Finger in the Mirror

Recently, I saw someone complaining that the Biden administration’s attempts to suppress free speech on social media are inconsistent with promises that Biden made to ‘bring decency and morality’ back to government.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Government Power Is Like a Deadly Disease

Government power is like a deadly disease.

If you don’t nip it in the bud, it grows faster and faster – and more dangerous.

That’s what the Founders and Old Revolutionaries warned us about – repeatedly. As a result of ignoring their warnings for generations, we now live under the largest government in history – and the disease keeps getting worse.

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Data Point: Americans Believe American Government Has Too Much Power

by Skip

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A 54% majority of Americans say the federal government has too much power, while 39% say it has about the right amount of power and 6% say too little. These figures have generally been stable throughout the Donald Trump and Joe Biden presidential administrations. Since 2005, no less than 50% of Americans … Read more

Album Sinatra original Photo by Ethan Rougon on Unsplash

The Eavesdropper

A real tragedy that Americans have lost their Fourth Amendment right to privacy! Did anyone think to restrain the makers of cell phones from listening in on every conversation? I don’t mean just what is said between caller and callee. I mean, yer basic CIA can hear whatever you say NEAR your phone.

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