School Funding: A lot changes in a century, except in schools

In 1918, doctors did things a lot differently.  For example, they thought that bloodletting could cure any number of conditions, including epilepsy.  In 2018, medicine costs a lot more, but it does a lot more.

In 1918, schools did things… pretty much the same way they’re doing them now.  In 2018, schooling costs a lot more, but… it does a lot less.

A time-traveling doctor from 1918 would hardly know what to make of a modern hospital.  But a time-traveling teacher from 1918 would feel right at home in a modern school.

And while we wouldn’t think of letting the doctor from 1918 practice medicine today, we would be happy to let the teacher from 1918 pick up where he left off — practicing the educational equivalent of bloodletting.


  • Ian Underwood

    Ian Underwood is the author of the Bare Minimum Books series (  He has been a planetary scientist and artificial intelligence researcher for NASA, the director of the renowned Ask Dr. Math service, co-founder of Bardo Farm and Shaolin Rifleworks, and a popular speaker at liberty-related events. He lives in Croydon, New Hampshire.

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