Palate Cleanser

Palate Cleanser: So Now We Know What Women Want, How Do They Stand?

Aerosmith: “WALK THIS WAAAY!”.   Transgender Woman Rachel Levine: “Stand this way”: (click to embiggen) It would be one thing if Parents, in abusing allowing 2, 3, 4 year old boys to “transition” (yet another made up Woke word – we must challenge the abuse of our common language each and every time) because those boys … Read more

Election Fraud - markus-winkler-bbUpSCy2XyM-unsplash

NeverTrump’s “Debunking” of 2000 Mules Debunked

NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro attempted to undercut the evidence in the 2000 Mules movie proving Biden STOLE the 2020 election. (This evidence is IN ADDITION TO all the evidence that the election was RIGGED … i.e., Zuckerbucks, Hunter Biden censorship, Wisconsin, etc. etc. etc.) Here is Dinesh D’Souza’s response:  


Notable Quote – Ben Shapiro

“The left is expert at framing debates. They have buzzwords they use to direct the debate toward unwinnable positions for you. They are tolerant, diverse, fighters for social justice; if you oppose them, by contrast, you are intolerant, xenophobic, and in favor of injustice. Now, all these terms are – to be polite – a … Read more

Things That Go “Boom!” and Things That Don’t!

Someone sent crude looking mail bombs to some Democrats. They were all intercepted, and not a one went off. But the media went off, on cue, as did an organized chorus of ranters and ravers, going on about civility, which until yesterday not only did not matter to the Left it was verboten. The Left’s … Read more

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