4 Myths About Israel and “the Palestinians”

When it comes to Israel, the unofficial position of the political left is they hate it. Western Jews are encouraged to do that too and to facilitate the hate, they perpetuate myths.

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man woman marriage bride groom heart

Conservative Ben Shapiro Hands Out Marriage Advice about “The Little Things” to Be Aware Of When Choose a Mate

I like Ben Shapiro because 1) he’s generally the smartest guy in the room, 2) he makes fools of those that believe that THEY are the smartet people in the room by believing they can trip Shapiro up. This short snippet is not about any of the current hot button issues of the day that … Read more

Palate Cleanser

Palate Cleanser: So Now We Know What Women Want, How Do They Stand?

Aerosmith: “WALK THIS WAAAY!”.   Transgender Woman Rachel Levine: “Stand this way”: (click to embiggen) It would be one thing if Parents, in abusing allowing 2, 3, 4 year old boys to “transition” (yet another made up Woke word – we must challenge the abuse of our common language each and every time) because those boys … Read more

Election Fraud - markus-winkler-bbUpSCy2XyM-unsplash

NeverTrump’s “Debunking” of 2000 Mules Debunked

NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro attempted to undercut the evidence in the 2000 Mules movie proving Biden STOLE the 2020 election. (This evidence is IN ADDITION TO all the evidence that the election was RIGGED … i.e., Zuckerbucks, Hunter Biden censorship, Wisconsin, etc. etc. etc.) Here is Dinesh D’Souza’s response:  

Joe Biden This is what happens when you order a president through the mail

Feeble Old Man Pretending to be the US President Wanders Off Again (Watch)

This is a short picture in picture video featuring Ben Shaprio watching a clip of Biden getting off Marine One, but someone has added some amusing voice-over to the footage.

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The Matrix Laptop original Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Are Your Kids Already Plugged Into the Matrix? Are You?

The metaverse. Give your life over to some virtual reality world and get lost in it. That’s the topic. Living online. Existing in the digital universe. A place where virtual reality can take whatever from you can conceive and make you that thing.

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Those that are full of themselves

“Once it Became Clear that COVID was Not in fact a Pagan god…”

Finally, the truth wins out.  All of a sudden, a lot about COVID that has been thrown in our faces is, well, cracking like the icicles hanging from my roof.

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Social Justice

Ben Shapiro: Justice is good. Social Justice is bad. Here’s why

Justice is about the individual. Social Justice is only about Group Justice where YOU are held responsible for anyone else that the Left believes to be in “your group.” Ben Shapiro nails this, and a LOT of things tied to it, in this short 3-minute video.

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Yeah, President Biden Is Going to Fix America All Right

Woah! I hear the ice cracking under my feet. Most amazing thing, our Daily Sun actually printed an article from Ben Shapiro. This is the same Ben Shapiro the left hates, runs off college campuses, calls every name in the books. Yup, amazing.

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Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan Thinks Liberals have Become Unbearable

Piers Morgan can be unbearable. But for all his leftist bluster, he’s not obsessed with ideological supremacy. The modern liberal catechism that states no one shall dare to have an opinion that is not theirs.

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Notable Quote – Ben Shapiro

“The left is expert at framing debates. They have buzzwords they use to direct the debate toward unwinnable positions for you. They are tolerant, diverse, fighters for social justice; if you oppose them, by contrast, you are intolerant, xenophobic, and in favor of injustice. Now, all these terms are – to be polite – a … Read more

Things That Go “Boom!” and Things That Don’t!

Someone sent crude looking mail bombs to some Democrats. They were all intercepted, and not a one went off. But the media went off, on cue, as did an organized chorus of ranters and ravers, going on about civility, which until yesterday not only did not matter to the Left it was verboten. The Left’s … Read more

The Professional Left Dumps White Women Because they are Racist and Sexist

The only scared things on the left are politics and power, and I’ll keep saying it until you see it for yourselves because it’s true. Nothing you are, do, or says makes you “special” to the Left if you aren’t dragging their political baggage everywhere you go, all the time, forever. The latest evidence of this is … Read more

Calling out Ben Shapiro on “income inequality” is a dumb idea – especially if you’re a college professor

It speaks for itself: (H/T: Er, forgot to write it down)

Ben Shapiro – ‘Obama’s Orwellian (Inauguration) Speech’

Breitbart TV

Ben Shapiro Puts Piers Morgan on The Defensive – Morgan Clueless

I think we’ve had more than enough coverage on second amendment issues at GraniteGrok of late so I’ve been trying to talk about other things, but I could not let this pass me by. Ben Shapiro was on with Piers Morgan and Alex Jones he was not.  Shapiro shows us how to properly engage this … Read more

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