A Personal Awakening

I was always reassured that communism would be impossible to take hold in a free, prosperous, and successful country. This seemed to be a normal assumption since every nation that had fallen to this Red monster had been destitute. However, I was wrong, as today so forcefully proves! Incidentally, for those who may be offended by this read, consider growing some thicker skin since the days of bowing to those more sensitive are finally and justly in the past.

Getting back on track, America is indeed different from those impoverished nations by the fact that our American being is Blessed at birth. There is an unspoken aura about our Americanism, which was solidified with George Washington’s, “The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you, in your national capacity…” This twofold support, in addition to our faith in God, has enabled our steadfast loyalty as we withstand any and all public limitations and censoring efforts.

My renewed awareness was probably not a solo awakening. Given that their effort to channel thought, belief, and loyalty has been ongoing throughout my eighty years, those many decades also present the necessary time so that a majority of Americans could also be exposed and become as vulnerable as I. The fact that much of its effectiveness has followed a subliminal path over time explains the public’s apathy to so many of the questionable policies and actions, even those costing a national sacrifice.

The scheme to instill public ignorance within their targeted country is elementary to any communist conquest. Not knowing eliminates any reason for objecting or defending what otherwise would be cherished and protected instinctively. This was a contributing factor leading to China’s surrender to its current Red regime.

Concerning their American conquest, knowing of her strong foundational faith, coupled with her glorious history and heritage, the usual military conquest was shelved for their evil tactic of weakening the will and spirit of the people. This proceeded on two separate fronts: first, targeting the young through public education, while, at the same time, voters were misinformed by the false accounting of news and information. Just for good measure, a number of societal issues were employed, and they also carried an emotional perspective. All were humming along smoothly until recently.

The hiccup to this silent process came with the emergence of a billionaire “outsider” who challenged the establishment’s rigged Presidential processions. If nothing else, his interruption disjointed their orderly and patient timetable at a time when its final takedown of America was near. The fact that the impossible occurred, that this unexpected and brash intrusion of a non-politician actually managed to be elected President, has now presented a major intrusion against this silent and unseen communist takeover. Comparatively speaking, its effect is similar to a sudden military counter-offensive. The fact that it continues to subdue and even shatter this century-long evil design made the recent setup to assassinate a no-brainer! And yes, sadly, it appears to have been an organized effort, especially since questions remain unanswered!

Since the 2016 Grace of God, the American public’s dark unknowing has begun its transformation into a brighter light of guidance and renewed belief. Today’s awakening has indeed jump-started America’s curious nature after enduring all the illegal ploys of the last eight years to stop the only perceivable threat to their subversion of the world’s last bastion of freedom. This long-awaited renewal of Americanism is additionally strengthened by the basic aspect of finally realizing just how much one has been fooled, lied to, and used! No campaign words can erase such an inner personalized knowing!

In closing, the events that are unfolding continue to validate my personal awakening from that dangerous belief that any attempt at communist growth within a prosperous America would be impossible. I was wrong, but now I know I’m right!

My dear mother’s words, “God works in mysterious ways” is currently on display! While it’s still termed “an election,” this is the struggle that will determine the future of mankind. Placing my former false belief aside, the one certainty that remains and has since America’s founding is that God loves America and now has sent another emissary to safeguard America and her people. Makes sense since after all, “America is God’s country!”

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