Fall of Saigon - Image from Diplomacy.state.gov

Biden’s Saigon

As I watched the helicopters flying from our Embassy in Kabul to the airport trying to evacuate the personnel before the Taliban makes it impossible, it reminded me of Saigon in 1975.

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What difference, at this point, does it make? One Mother Answers Hillary And Blames Her

Jake Tapper of CNN interviewed Pat Smith.  She is the mother of Sean Smith, who was a State Department officer killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

I can’t say that I’m the least bit surprised that Mrs. Smith is not all that sanguine about the dilatory dissemination of information coming from the Administration that answers the questions we’ve all been asking about the attack on the U.S. Embassy.  The attack that resulted in 4 dead, murdered Americans, including the first Ambassador to be killed in 30 years.

It’s simply a cover up, and it’s disgraceful.  To call it anything else is mendacious.  And Mrs. Smith knows who to blame: Hillary Clinton (at around 2:16 in the clip).

Excerpted text below courtesy of RealClearPolitics.com

Hillary Clinton loses it Drudge BenghaziHILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: With all due respect, the fact is, we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.

SMITH: Well, that’s what I want to know. Why did it happen? And she is in charge. Why couldn’t she do something about it? I blame her.

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What Difference at This Point Does it Make? As it Turns out – Quite a Bit!

Clinton What difference at this point
The honorable Hillary Clinton? Not so much.

What Difference at this point does it make? Well, Democrats might want to stop hitching their wagon to Hillary 2016.

In light of recent details compiled from State Department and White House emails that show how Clinton and Obama (State and White House) scrubbed the CIA details on Benghazi, it makes all the difference in the world.  What started as a planned terrorist attack, complete with al-Qaida operatives in the mix, on 9/11, that killed four–including our Ambassador to Libya–was reduced to a spontaneous riot that got out of hand because of a YouTube Video.

One more time.  Smartest President Ever?  Really?

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Attempt to Cover up Naive, Dangerous, Failed Obama Policies

by Don

For weeks President Obama and his top aides lied to us, claiming the events in the Middle East on 9-11 were caused by a movie that few people even knew about.   Those claims were attempts to cover up President Obama’s failed Middle East policies that strengthen terrorists, comfort our enemies, and are bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war.   

For years Democrats told us that killing Osama would destroy al-Qaeda and win the war on terror.  The 9-11 attacks exposed that obvious falsehood. 

President Obama refused requests for assistance for the real democracy revolution in Iran that would have helped stabilize the Middle East and end Iran’s aid to enemies that kill American soldiers. 

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Will Hillary Clinton Give Barack Obama An October Surprise?

LIBYA Embassy Attack Benghazi - Will Clinton take the fall?Congress is preparing to investigate the Benghazi attack and what lead to the death of Ambassador Stevens and three others.  It will also have to follow the trail of ‘cover-up’ bread crumbs left in the two weeks that followed, by which the Administration lied about almost everything, what they knew, when, and why.

The Department of State and Secretary Hillary Clinton have said they will assist however they can, and are responding promptly to witness requests by the Oversight committee.

So here’s my thinking.  Given that the Administration and State knew, and what we all now know, if Clinton gets hung up on this does it end her political career?  Could Benghazi destroy any remaining interest she might have had at running for President in 2016?

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The Obama Flag…

…and the bloodied wall in Benghazi. The wall was apparently smeared with blood when an American clutched at it as he was being dragged out to be murdered. The Obama Flag.

If The Attack on The US Embassy Wasn’t Pre-planned…

...then why scrub the memo issued by the US department of State, dated September 6th, announcing no credible security threats to our embassies on the anniversary of 9-11?   That’s right, a blogger caught the change and posted it.

The US State department issues a memo to its embassies indicating there are no credible threats for the anniversary of 9/11.  There are no marines stationed in Benghazi to protect the ambassador.  The administration is insiting the attack was some random act of outrage over some obscure six months old you Tube video.

But the Libyan President says he has no doubt the attack was planned months in advance (also here).  Al Qaeda is now claiming it was a planned retribution.   A Local security official in Libya says he warned the US of the deteriorating security situation 3 days before the attack.  Attackers worked in concert, with heavy weapons, knew where to be and where to go.  The Serbian consulate wants to know why the Obama administration posted a Gay ambassador in a Muslim country.  And now the original State Department memo no longer includes any mention of there being no credible threats, that Al Qaeda was not “plotting any kind of attack overseas” on the anniversary of 9-11.

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The news of Bin Laden’s demise was barely minutes old before the politicizing began in earnest. In the hours that followed, Barbara Walters on the view retorts, “I would hate now to be a Republican candidate thinking of running,” Like this somehow cancels out the high gas prices, the economy being in the toilet and … Read more

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