Fake Spy gets Book and Movie Deal, And Real Spies just Get Dead?

When CIA Desk-Jockey Valerie Plame was “outed”  [*] the left went postal for years on the incompetence of the Bush Administration, then wasted millions on an investigation that was more a sound bite machine for Democrat friendly talking-heads than an effort to find justice for a pencil pusher with a disgraced husband.   Despite the obvious, Plame became a darling of the lefty-media, got a book deal, a movie, bags of money to be certain, and Scooter Libby got charged with Perjury for failing to recall the precise context of something that happened years before.

When the FauxBama Administration takes another victory lap (latest underwear bomber plot) because it is deperate to salvage a failing political campaign, at the expense of actual spies, including those of our so-called allies abroad, not to mention jeopardizing hard to come by double-agents and sources inside al-Qaeda, is there any expectation of real accountability?

I’m not holding my breath.

[ * correction: Plame was not outed by a ‘Democrat’ she was outed by Richard Armitage, first to Bob Woodward, and later to Robert Novak.  Armitage was a RINO, not officially a democrat.]

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