Monday Memes

Remember Alinsky and his rules – particularly Rule 5: “Ridicule is Man’s Most Potent Weapon”.

LAUGH at these people.  MOCK THEM MERCILESSLY.  And if you recall from that video embedded here about mass psychosis and propagandizing, ridicule is also an effective weapon against that as well.

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Voter Suppression and fraud

In Case You’ve Forgotten – The 2020 Election Was Stolen

This: In case you’ve forgetten, six States … Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin … just suddenly stopped counting votes on election-night. And the corporate-press acted like it was normal. It was not. I have been following Presidential elections for a long time … and I cannot remember a time when something like this … Read more

American Flag pole porch neighborhood

Open Letter From an American Coward

Please save, screenshot, etc., then boost. I don’t usually ask for my content to be shared. What I am about to say though is perhaps the most important thing I will ever say in public, and in the present landscape of the internet, there is a very high probability that it is being silenced or erased … Read more

A Little Red State with a Big Blue Crown – Prologue

NH in 2020 has made a significant shift to the right with the Republican Party now holding not only the Governor’s office but also wielding control of the Executive Council, State Senate, and the State House. In the week following the NH Primary back in September, I published a piece at American Thinker which laid … Read more

What to Expect From GOP Control of State Government – Cronyism, Kochism, and Not Much Else … Except, Naturally, Lockdown-II

Sununu announced his agenda for the next two years on election night. And it’s underwhelming to say the least … cutting New Hampshire’s sales tax on restaurants and hotels/motels (the room-and-meals tax) and cutting the tax on businesses that don’t show a profit (and thereby avoid paying business-profits tax) because they distribute all the profit … Read more

And You Are Proud of That?

I took a few breaks from watching Team-Biden stealing the election Tuesday night to check #nhpolitics on Twitter. I kept seeing tweets from Sununu’s kiddie-corps celebrating Sununu winning Democrat cities and towns. Some examples: The question raised by these results is: “WHY?” More specifically, did Sununu win all these Democrat towns and cities because as … Read more

How the Democrats Handed Sununu a Landslide Victory

There were three main reasons Chris Sununu won reelection as Governor of New Hampshire in a landslide: The first is COVID. Nationally, Democrats used COVID as a political weapon. For example, there was the constant drumbeat of “COVID-out-of-control” and “Trump-in-denial” or “Trump-to-blame” from the FakeNews, designed to make the election about COVID not the thriving … Read more

The Poll That Sununu Should be Paying Attention To.

George H. W. Bush’s job approval was riding high after the First Persian Gulf War. An approval rating in excess of 90 percent. But less than a year later, Bush’s job approval was under 50 percent. And by July 1992, Bush was below 30 percent job approval. He became one of a handful of incumbent … Read more

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