Blogline of the Day: Progressive Double Standard because she likes Trump

SHOT:  BREAKING: ABC cancels Roseanne after ‘abhorrent, repugnant’ tweet. CHASER:   Question for investors: Should you risk your money on a network that will trash its most valuable property over a tweet? So Hollywood, that pack of hypocritical moralizers that has constantly preached to we Normals how bad we were (and their actual beliefs gave rise to … Read more

“Environmental activists ignore energy security realities”

Occasionally, the Concord Monitor will print something against “type” and puts up an LtE / Op-Ed that is opposite their in-bred philosophy.  This on environmentalists eschewing basic economics and science for ideological purposes (e.g., the Sierra Club’s “Beyond <insert fossil energy source here>” programs which stand on solely on one point – keep everything in … Read more

Progressives: once again proving they want EVERYONE to be as miserable as they are

Immigrant rights activists right now are blocking #Disneyland entrance on S. Harbor in OC, blocking buses from entering the park. Civil disobedience underway. Protestors want to pressure Congress to pass a clean Dream Act. They chant “No dream. No deal.” — Cindy Carcamo (@theCindyCarcamo) January 22, 2018 Well, given the utter Senate Democrat collapse that … Read more

On Donner and Blitzen, and Stupidity and Racism….

Yup, everything is racist, every one that disagrees with Progressives/Democrats/SJWs/Leftists is a racist. Especially all you deplorables and irredeemables that refuse to stop clinging to your Bibles and guns. Why can’t you just admit that you lost and now you should be like us who are desperately trying to be European Socialist Intellectual chic. Because RACISM! … Read more

ESPN Became MSESPN and Earnings Are Collapsing

ESPN’s income declined 11% compared to last year. Every single day this year ESPN has lost roughly 10,000 cable and satellite subscribers. [ESPN has lost] over 13 million cable and satellite subscribers in the past several years. ( The result of this coming financial calamity has been panic, which has primarily manifested itself in a … Read more

Another reason why Trump won – Liberal moral preening rejected

“if you want to be an obnoxious slob, you have a right to be one” Again, Progressives truly believe that they hold the moral high ground in politics and in having such, can be “bossy” (remember when that was a liberal pejorative?).  Looking down their noses, on their high horse, nose up in the air; … Read more

Interesting question on the Left’s treatment of Christianity

David French, whom we’ve had on GrokTALK!, does a run up and then asks a question.  First, the run up: John and Jill are both applying to work at a company like Google, Apple, Starbucks, or Disney. John is an advocate for LGBT issues, he believes Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, and he thinks Black … Read more

“Politics Has Ruined Everything Fun”

This post by Peggy Ryan over at American Thinker pretty much has the right of it – the Progressives, with their constant shoving of politics into everything, are basically ruining everything.  They can’t just leave well enough alone and have to constantly be screeching at us from their positions.  You name it but there’s hardly … Read more

US Government to Defend Individual Religious Beliefs…

US Government is finally standing up for the individual religious beliefs…of a Rastafarian. The Obama administration is spending taxpayer dollars to sue a private business for not allowing a male employee to have long, matted and knotted hair required to practice an “Afrocentric” religion in which followers also smoke marijuana (“the spiritual use of cannabis”). Known as … Read more

STEM: Good jobs at good wages. Unless you work for Intel. But India? Yes

Shot: Tech giant Intel is laying off some 12,000 workers…The chip-making giant said the mass firings are part of a “restructuring initiative” that will further its shift away from the PC business toward smart devices and cloud-based computing. Chaser: It’s one of the country’s 15 largest users of H-1Bs [visas], which are temporary visas that … Read more

Maine Is Making NH State Senate Republicans Look Like Leftist Patsies

First, Maine passes a new law that told its able-bodied citizens that if they wanted to continue to receive food stamps, WORK! Second, NH decided, thanks to some NH State Senate Republicans, that if our able-bodied citizens wanted to keep receiving Medicaid paid for by NH taxpayers (who are also Federal Taxpayers), well, you can … Read more

After the Show: some links

Here’s something that I read on the show today as we were talking about laws being passed to keep those with men parts out of bathrooms frequented by those with lady parts (even if the former are delusional about not having such) in the context of Steve’s great post here.  From This Ain’t Hell (a mil-blog … Read more

Hillary to unveil her economic policies to raise middle class incomes. Uh-huh…

From the Washington Post (reformatted, emphasis mine): Centering her presidential campaign on boosting incomes for middle-class Americans, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday will begin unveiling an economic policy agenda designed to lift working families that have experienced years of wage stagnation and economic anxiety. In a major address in New York, the Democratic front-runner will lay … Read more

On Second Thought…

In just one day, we have two prime examples of how vitally important our Second Amendment is. Protecting our natural rights to secure arms for personal or family defense, and to fight tyranny of any kind, the Second Amendment must be treasured and guarded with everything we have.  If not, we’ll just become victims, like … Read more

Representative David Campbell’s Own Duck Dynasty

“Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in.” —Confucius “I am deeply sorry that I accidentally ran over several wild ducks near the Crowne Plaza last Monday night…”

A Democrat House Rep’s Five Stages of “Grief”

Right off the bat, all five stages of Democrat political ‘grief’ are denial.  Just wanted to clear that up. They deny their very nature, deny they raise taxes on the poor and middle class, deny they are responsible for the side-effects of their policies, deny they are the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the … Read more

Vicious Dogs

“Truth is a good dog; but always beware of barking too close to the heels of an error, lest you get your brains kicked out.”  —Francis Bacon   In New Hampshire if you are even slightly “nipped” by a dog, you can make a pile of cash! We are not talking about a Pit Bull Terrier … Read more

What’s 5% of 4 Billion?

Answer:  The amount of money George Lucas saves by selling Lucasfilm now instead of waiting until 2013 when the long term capital gains tax on the sale of assets held more than one year rises from 15% to 20%. And Lucas is already a liberal-hypocrite-weenie so don’t expect him to invest the difference in a … Read more