On Donner and Blitzen, and Stupidity and Racism….

by Skip

Everything is RacistYup, everything is racist, every one that disagrees with Progressives/Democrats/SJWs/Leftists is a racist. Especially all you deplorables and irredeemables that refuse to stop clinging to your Bibles and guns. Why can’t you just admit that you lost and now you should be like us who are desperately trying to be European Socialist Intellectual chic. Because RACISM!

Tucker Carlson has put together a whole long list of 100 things that became racist one night while we Normals were sleeping and then were accused of being such even as we all went “huh?  When?”  Via Twitchy:

95. The Bible. #100RacistThings https://t.co/MIuJITZWOX


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