Progressives: once again proving they want EVERYONE to be as miserable as they are

by Skip

Well, given the utter Senate Democrat collapse that turned the #SchumerShutdown into #SchumerCaved, I can see why the DACA recipients and other illegal immigrants (and the groups that want complete amnesty for them) are upset at the Democrat Party – and some are realizing they are nothing but political pawns to be thrown away as the Democrats need to.  But there were a number of the DACA folks that deliberately decided that it is their mission in life to ruin things for ordinary folks simply because they have a mad on.  From the LA Times, a post on making the “everyone must be miserable because I am” strategy and life mission of Democrats quite clear (reformatted, emphasis mine):

DACA recipients temporarily block Disneyland entrance as an act of civil disobedience

Activists with the #OurDream coalition — a group of immigrants’ rights organizations — say their protest was meant to pressure Congress to not pass a spending bill until the Dreamers are protected. They said they were tired of “unfulfilled promises” by legislators to settle the matter. Barbara Hernandez, a 26-year-old DACA recipient from Santa Ana, said protesting in front of Disneyland was symbolic. “It’s where dreams come true,” she said. “But we’re not on vacation anymore. We’re still waiting for our dreams to come true.”

So it’s ok to go and ruin other peoples’ dreams (of Disneyland) simply because no one is making illegal immigrants legal by a blanket amnesty declaration?  And the kicker:

Hernandez said she knew blocking the street could make traffic worse or cause an inconvenience for people. But disruption, she said, is something the Dreamers have become accustomed to.

“It’s something we go through every day of our lives,” she said. “There is always something blocking us from moving forward.”

And you wonder why people are NOT in favor of granting you amnesty?  You demand something that is not your’s and then in a hissy fit, make life miserable for others simply because you are miserable that you can’t get your own way?  No, if you can’t act according to the norms of this country, why should this country do anything for you?

No, this is not the way to win friends and influence people.  You may learn this over time – but probably not they way that you might think.


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