Star Wars Episode 7 Due in 2015

Looks like Disney bought Lucasfilm for just over 4 billion dollars, and is now plotting the next three Star Wars Movies.  “Episode 7” is already slated for a 2015 release; all other factors remain unknown. Oh, it will probably be in 3D unless that (ticket price raising) fad has died a happy (or unhappy) death … Read more

Media Millions

While the 99% and the Democrats are bashing bankers for not sharing their wealth, take a look at the people running media and entertainment.  (Just to give you a baseline, the most well paid “banker” had 21 million in compensation in the same year.) Les Moonves, the CEO of CBS Corp. (CBS), was paid $69.9 … Read more

ABC Cancels GCB – Too Much Competition from DCB?

ABC Canceled GCB.  (That’s the family Friendly Disney/ABS’c short-lived controversial program about so-called Christian women who do not behave according the The Word.)  Who among us is without sin?  ABC certainly cannot claim otherwise. While I’m sure GCB could have played well enough in the coast cities and liberal ghettos, it must–after all–be a show … Read more

Charlie Bass Says Mitt Does Not Like To Fire People

“Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one’s own despised and unwanted feelings.” —Alice Duer Miller New Hampshire’s own RINO Charlie Bass was on Fox this morning defending Mittens’ comments about firing people. Charlie Bass was right. Here is what Mittens said: “I want individuals to have their own insurance,” he said. … Read more

Its Time to Ignore Liberal Bullying

Democrats have gotten used to getting their way by name calling and intimidating their opponents. They have used these techniques to stifle opposition to their wasteful, ruinous, and often counter-productive programs. Finally, many Americans have had enough of it.
Only the TEA Party is committed to restoring our country’s fiscal health. We are an obstacle to the major political parties “go along to get along” ways. The TEA Party is slandered and viciously attacked because we threaten the power of the current political establishment and their mutually supporting special interest groups.

Obama’s Intercontinental Gaffe

And before you leftists try to write this off like all the other gaffes, just imagine Sarah Palin had said it and then write the first thing that comes to mind. Now replace Palin’s name with Obama and see how it reads.

No Debt Ceiling Increase without Cut, Cap, and Balance

Neither President Obama nor Speaker Boehner tell the full debt story. They try to scare us by saying that if the debt ceiling is not raised, our credit rating might be lowered. But President Obama’s plans to increase our debt by at least $1 trillion annually for the foreseeable future is a bigger and definite threat to our credit rating. Our already significant interest payments won’t be affordable. China and credit rating companies warn us that we are creating too much debt. It is just a matter of time before our huge, growing debt to cause our credit rating to fall.

Obama Seal Team 6 Action Figure

No, I am not kidding. Doug Powers at Michelle brings us to the web site, where we find the Obama Seal Team 6 Action figure.

Price – a decision point

Capitalism is under attack by those on the Left that believe that it is evil and that it discriminates against "the oppressed".  The major problem is that they try to wrap up both economics and their sense of morality into a bow.  If it (or anything else, for that matter) isn’t exactly to their liking, … Read more

Prison Reform. Do We Need Some?

Sheriff Thomas Hodgson has a few idea that remind me of my visit with Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona (here and here); a willingness to make incarceration just that. More like punishment, less like a gated country club.

Houghton Hears A Who

Houghton seems to have entered the event with the idea that illegals are the only criminals in Maricopa county so she is free to preface every remark in that context. He does this to “illegal immigrants” he denies that to “illegal immigrants.” And while he probably has a large population of illegal immigrants in his jail, he oversees a county with a population four times that of the entire State of New Hampshire (plus a few more that are there illegally) so Houghton’s remarks are not just wrong they appear intentionally misleading to make a specific point.

The problems with constructivism in school

Parents are probably hearing how schools are committed to a "student-centered" approach to teaching.  But what does that mean?  In Constructivism it means that your child will be participating in "discovery learning."   In this setting the students work in groups or with other students, and the teacher takes on the role of "facilitator" rather than … Read more

Meet the New Press Podcast for 1/19/08

The MTNP Podcast page is brought to you by: .                                                                               And we thank them very much! Meet The New Press Radio at the speed of the Blogosphere! WEMJ 1490 Saturdays 9am-11am (EDT) Streaming Live! To play (or "stream") a clip now, just click on it.  To download it to your PC, right click … Read more