A Democrat House Rep’s Five Stages of “Grief”

The Peter Sullivan not so He-Man woman haters club
The Peter Sullivan not so He-Man woman haters club

Right off the bat, all five stages of Democrat political ‘grief’ are denial.  Just wanted to clear that up. They deny their very nature, deny they raise taxes on the poor and middle class, deny they are responsible for the side-effects of their policies, deny they are the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the KKK, eugenics,(that welfare is a trap), food stamps, unemployment and economic misery.

They deny that they said you could keep your plan, that they lied about the YouTube Movie and Benghazi, that Bill Clinton abused women–lots of women or was a serial liar and cheat, and they deny that they are socialists and Marxists, which is funny because if you put the agenda of a Marxist next to the agenda of modern Democrats the only difference is….well, there isn’t one.

So there is a lot of denial, but the empty shallows that lay beneath the denial leave room for other pools of emotion like hate and anger, and a well filled deep with the bitter-sweet nectar of left-wing hypocrisy.

Peter Sullivan, as an example, is reaping the fruits of his sexist remarks regarding congressional candidate Marilinda Garcia.   He is simultaneously in all five stages of Democrat denial.  He is in denial because while his publicly tweeted sexist objectification of a Republican woman is little more than repetitive cocktail party banter at every progressive cabal, in the real world you only get cover for remarks like that if you are not a Republican or if you are of some value to your own party–and it looks like the New Hampshire State Democrat Party may have cut Peter Sullivan loose.

That aside, Sullivan has done everything but the one thing he should have done.

Sullivan has defended himself by claiming that “this one time, at band camp….there was an opponent who did this thing that was really bad.”  Why not just say Bill Clinton was accused of rape, committed perjury, got disbarred and was impeached?

PMSullivan has clearly been raised on the Progressive plantation where no Democrat is responsible for anything they say or do.  In the real world we try to avoid these people.  In the Democrat party it is a requirement for office.  And no matter what he did, he is the victim here.

We’ve also heard that he and his family and friends, have been subjected to vile attacks.  I can only speak for myself but I am a bit surprised that he has any family or friends.  They must all be like him.  But that aside, they were not the ones who objectified a Republican woman with snide and sexists remarks that (if it were a Republican) would have prompted Dem Party OFA-NH Spokes-Kid Harrell Kirstein and the state party leadership to go on a PR campaign that would be repeated by every Democrat mouth until even the NH-GOP was using the Democrat talking points.  (See what happened to Stella Tremblay for proof of that.)

But dragging other people in (family and friends) and creating victims is what the Peter Sullivan’s of the world do. It defines their politics.   Sure, he’s a raging hypocrite but look what they’ve done to my family.  That’s the denial talking.  It should be ‘Look what I, Peter Sullivan, have done to my family,” but being a Democrat means never having to take credit for the ruin that follows you–that is what Republicans are for.

And now, since the TV people would like his side of the story, (which is what?–‘How I said sexist things no Republican would ever be allowed to get way with‘) he’s not sure what to do and ready to blame Democrat House party Leadership for leaving him out to dry.   While I am no fan of Democrat NH House Speaker Norelli’s agenda–see my reference in paragraph two above about Marxism–if she has in fact had the sense to cut Peter Sullivan loose, then good for her.

Though I should point out that until they, meaning all the Democrats–particularly the women– denounce him, they are no better than he is on this war on women facade and Sullivan’s sexist antics.  These are, of course, Democrats.  They are also in denial.  Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Al Gore, Anthony Weiner, client Number 9…leadership in left wing politics leads to cheating on your wife, consorting with prostitutes, and even getting  your wife to help you hide what a dirt-bag you are becasue she’s just using you to get ahead in politics.  Where do you think the war on women came from.  Democrat women just assume all men are like their men.  Whimps or womanizers.  The fact that we don’t want to be Marxists just makes it worse for Conservatives.

So what is next for Mr. Sullivan?  Ladies shoe salesman?    Here’s an idea.  Why not just admit you were an ass and apologize?

Believe it or not,while people will probably not believe you they will probably stop talking about it and you can go back to the Democrat Party Disney Land experience that dominated your political career up to this point.  Or you can hope that you will truly be perceived as the victim here.

I know that sounds absurd, but we are talking about a Democrat.  He wasn’t being a sexist hypocrite, at least in his own mind.  How dare we challenge him on it.  It’s denial.  All five stages of it.

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