NEA – Get the Family and Religion OUT OF HERE!


You know, if these kinds of things keep happening, somebody’s gonna scratch the "Great" out of that tag line.  Heck, with this starting to be a pattern instead of a outlier, people are right to really start asking their local NEA union heads, their Superintendents, and their School Boards seriously hard questions.   I wrote here (concerning whose responsibility kids are in the daycare we owned):

Never did I think that we were that important to believe that we should or could supplant parents.

I also pointed out in that same post that there are teachers in Moultonboro, NH that "look down" upon the parents on the topic of attitudes; in fact, if I had been their boss, I would have pulled them aside after they had said what they did about their actual employers – the parents – to knock it  off:

…students are WAY ahead of the times, way ahead of parents on multiple issues especially when it comes to openness and sexuality…I disagree with having parent being allowed in.  I think that student are willing to talk about this because they have different views than their parents

And now, we know why – it seems that "Public Schools" teachers are going out of their way to teach their students differently than what their parents do on moral issues; we talked about this on Saturday’s show (emphasis mine) about what Diane Schnieder of both NEA (teachers union) and GLSEN (a militant pro-homosexual advocacy group whose founder, Ken Jennings, was Obama’ "Safe School" czar) gave as a talk at a UN conference:

Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a panel on combating homophobia and transphobia.  Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal hetero and homosexual expression.  She claimed that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is abstinence-based, or if students are still able to opt-out

Comprehensive sex education is “the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,” Schneider proclaimed, “and we must make these issues a part of every middle and high-school student’s agenda.”  “Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,” she explained, and said that those opposed to homosexuality “are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.”

Kids, forget your parents and your God – you only have to listen to me!

This NEA official has decided, unsurprising, that Teachers have the preeminent role in their students lives – parents, God, not so much.  In fact, when it comes to sex, they know best! Read it over carefully – and notice the complete abandonment of the idea that this topic should be left to the parents. This isn’t just an outsourcing of a parental responsibility (for I feel that it is in come cases) but a complete take over by an outside governmental (and unionized) entity. Schneider makes it rather clear:

  • Government should ensure that Parents and their kids will have no choice
  • Attendance will be mandatory – no way parents can take their kids out – parents should not matter.
  • Middle school kids may not be ready for the topic?  Rubbish – age no problem!
  • And the most serious problem: and the parents and their religion are the problem in her eyes – they prevent the LGBTQ(xyz) agenda from moving forward!!

I’m NOT sorryWHY in God’s green earth should teachers be teaching our kids about oral sex if they can’t freaking teach the kids that which what we pay them?  Nationwide, it is clear that teaching math, teaching English, teaching reading, and teaching history / civics seems to be concepts that now rank lower in priority than diversity, multiculturalism, political correctness, self-esteem and now, sex. 

Progressives know that in order to supplant traditional values in the next generation, they have to cut the bonds between the kids and their upbringing – this technique has been known for, well, forever!  Kids, seeing that the teachers are authority figures, are going to listen and obey.  Frankly, teachers of the ilk of Diane Schneider know this and use their authority (as Progressives say, "position of power") to warp what kids think is right and wrong.  After all, what are the kids to think at that rebellious age: "Gee, Mom & Dad and my Pastor say this is wrong – but my TEACHER says pre-marital sex is just fine."

I am just astounded by this – the Educational-Industrial complex will not stop and will not relent.  Government is in the process of taking over basic parental responsibilities: feeding their kids (3 meals, 365 days), maintaining their health (via health clinics), taking care of the kids before school, taking care of the kids afterschool, taking them to abortions….when does it stop?  Now, it has decided, via the NEA and a pro-gay group, that it has the responsibility to substitute its idea of what is right and wrong, what is moral and not, for parents.  The most intimate of human experiences is now in the process of being hijacked by those who view it as a political agenda and a means to their end and not as a precious human experience that should be shared, not in a promiscuous fashion as what is implied, but in a committed married relationship. Instead, it is being turned into simple physical exercise in pursuit of a libertine existence (too bad the kids can’t tell you the meaning of libertine, much less spell it).  "If it feels good, do it" is back, regardless of the emotional harm it will cause to kids that are not ready for it. 

And then they wonder why parents either go off the deep end or give up completely?  For either extreme, the message is clear – parents, stay out of the way as you are just not needed.  Or wanted.

As I said here, the gay agenda is being pushed on adults via marriage – he who controls the vocabulary controls the discusion.  As with 1984, control the language carefully enough, you control thoughts. Apparently, Diane Schneider has no problem with this approach with our children. 

Thanks to the union, it is all but impossible to fire teachers like this.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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