Contest time!
OK, am running WAY behind on a LOT of stuff – this is one I don’t wish to. This past Tuesday, GraniteGrok covered Ovide Lamontagne’s "Return To Red" event – think of it as a pep rally for NH Republicans. I enjoyed it – but still have to process video and audio.
Sidenote: a note of gratitude to Liz Christofferson, campaign manager for John Stephen who lent me a mouse for the evening – I left my trackball at home and had disabled my touchpad – I would have been absolutely dead in the water without them.
At the end of the evening, I was approached a couple of the younger folks that had attended the event – compared to the general age of the attendees, REAL young. High school, in fact. They wanted to talk to me when the event was over (they had seen me interview Jorge Mesa-Tejada, Jennifer Horn, and Tom Thompson and Corey Lewandowski.
In fact, it was a class from Fellowship Christian Academy in Methuen, MA; they were there to observe, well, some of the stuff that politics was made of. I will have to say, they did get a show!
When the event was done, I did stay after, and a whole crowd of teens came over – and. I. had. a. BLAST! You know, if you were watching the live stream, we ended up having a long discussion for one purpose on my part – I wanted to see if they, coming from a small Christian school, would know more about civics than what I have been led to believe students in the public school system. I’ll be posting up the audio / video in a while, but I digress.
It turns out that they are all working on projects under the umbrella of The Voice of Democracy program – an outreach program of the VFW. They mentioned it, so I asked the obvious question (based on our "interview", I really wanted to see what would happen):
Can I post them?
Well, that threw them for a loop, but they agreed. Well, they are now starting to come in – and I will be posting them. I would like to do this as well – I would like to have you all read them and tell me which ones you like the most!
Details coming soon – along with the papers!