biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons: 1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought 2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes

Jesus Easter Ressurection tomb original Photo by Pisit Heng on Unsplash

A Banana’s Easter Confessional

Easter is the day we celebrate to commemorate the greatest moment in human history.  A moment that forever insured we could skip around holding little baskets and eat Cadbury eggs without guilt – thank you Jesus!

NH Commissioner of Education Frank Edleblut2 - NH Dept of Ed pic

Education’s Sacred Trust

Educators and the public education system are custodians of a sacred trust. When children come to school, they arrive reflecting the value systems of the families responsible for raising them. Those value systems are as different as the children themselves.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Monday Memes

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  At this rate, I’m going to have an overflow for Tuesday to avoid a too-overwhelming monster post.


WOKE is the New Pandemic

The new Pandemic will not feature Dr. Anthony Fauci and his daily noon updates on lockdowns and mandates. The new Pandemic will not require masks, but a barf bag may be suggested.

Parents child home school homework

The All-Out Attack on Parental Rights

As a parental rights advocate in New Hampshire, focused on academic excellence in education, the attack on parental rights is at an all-time high. The good news is, parents are finally fighting back.

Captain Kangaroo Powerline

Palate Cleanser – Well, Mine Certainly Do!

“Every morning I find out I have new joints I never knew I had because they crack.” And yes, the guy in the picture, I used to watch him every morning before school decades ago.

For rent sign Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Is The“Great Reset” About Abolishing Private Property?

Their watchwords, at least from our side, seem to be “You won’t own anything but you will be happy.” It’s “DavosSpeak” from elites who believe that because of their global status and wealth that they can do with or to us whatever they wish.

woman on plane screen grab YouTube

Woman Thrown Off a Plane

This “lady” represents the worst of the WOKE and politically correct Gestapo and wants you to vote them in so they can dictate laws that, like Putin, would allow suppression and arrests for free (government defined) opposing views.

Disney rainbow - LogoLynx

Sex Toy Story

Four Disney employees were arrested in connection with a human (sex) trafficking operation, and Disney/Pixar has decided that refusing to groom 6-year-olds justifies adding an adult same-sex kiss back into a kid’s movie.

Putin pony 2

My Little Putin “Pony”

The internet is a circus with many acts, not all suitable for every audience, but that’s like life. It’s also a great equalizer. Emperor Xi of China is Pooh Bear, and he hates that.

Smart TV

Why a smart TV is better than a normal TV

Technology truly is evolving constantly, and in 2007 we were able to witness the rise of the popular smart TV. Although there may not be a difference in physical features for a smart TV compared to a normal TV, even though newer smart TVs may look thinner, the possibilities that can be achieved are second … Read more